This idiom refers to being restless, anxious, worried, or excited
What is "ants in your pants"?
Ex: She was so nervous about the chemistry exam that she had ants in her pants all day.
This idiom refers to someone or something's past performance or behavior
What is "a track record"
Ex: The school has a strong track record of getting its students into excellent universities
This idiom refers to repeating the same points and making no progress in a discussion
What is "talk in circles"?
Ex: They knew they would never agree, but they continued to talk in circles anyway.
This idiom is said about anything that is common, inexpensive, or easy to get.
What is "a dime a dozen"
Ex: Stray dogs are a dime a dozen on Chapingo's campus
This idiom is used to refer to something that is different/causes problems.
What is "rock the boat"
Ex: I rocked the boat when I suggested mint ice cream for the party instead of chocolate.
This idiom refers to something you have learned, mastered, achieved, or experienced
What is "under one's belt"?
Ex: At the young age of 22, he already had a master's degree under his belt.
This means to win or succeed after being in a defeated or losing position
What is "come from behind"?
Ex: Zack had the highest grades in the class all semester until Ryan came from behind and beat him.
This means to have to admit that you were wrong about something
What is "eat one's words"?
Ex: He said she wouldn't win, but when she did, he had to eat his words.
This idiom refers to someone who is rich.
What is "made of money"
Ex: My daughter has to stop spending my money. I am not made of money.
He just bought another sports car. He must be made of money.
This idiom means to not be able to go back or come back from something. Usually refers to a relationship of some sort.
"What is "burning bridges"?
Ex: When she quit her job suddenly, she burned a bridge with her boss.
This idiom refers to display one's feelings openly
What is "wear your heart on your sleeve"?
Ex: When it comes to her love for her family, she wears her heart on her sleeve.
This idiom refers to accepting defeat or quitting
What is "throw in the towel"?
Ex: The other team should throw in the towel because we are going to win.
This idiom is used when you are in extreme shock or disbelief
What is "to be speechless"?
Ex: When his sister told him she was getting married, he was speechless.
This idiom refers to getting something you want but with a negative consequence or effect
What is "come at a cost/price?"
ex: I know you want to be famous, but fame comes at a price.
This idiom means to begin a trip or journey. Implies a long distance.
What is "hit the road"?
Ex: If we want to arrive before dark, we have to hit the road early tomorrow.
This idiom refers to trying to see something from someone else's perspective
What is "put yourself in someone's shoes"?
Ex: Never judge someone before putting yourself in their shoes.
This idiom means to go against what the majority of people are doing/thinking
What is "swim against the tide" or "go against the tide"?
Ex: Politically, she tends to go against the tide on her college campus
This idiom is used when someone is talking extremely quickly
What is "to talk a mile a minute"?
Ex: When she gets nervous, she talks a mile a minute.
This idiom means that something is extremely expensive.
What is "cost an arm and a leg"?
Ex: He became a doctor, but it cost him an arm and a leg
This idiom refers to joining a trend
What is "jump on the bandwagon"?
Ex: When everyone started listening to Taylor Swift, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and start listening to her, too.
This idiom refers to preparing yourself for an inevitable and often unpleasant event
What is "wait for the other shoe to drop"?
Ex: After she did poorly on her assignment, she didn't wait for the other shoe to drop and asked for help before she failed the test.
This idiom refers to needing to take action before progress can occur.
What is "ball is in someone's court"?
Ex: She sent him the contract, so the ball is in his court to sign it or not.
This idiom means to have the same attitudes, tastes, and ideas as someone else
What is "speaking the same language"?
Ex: When it comes to music taste, Jane and her husband do not speak the same language.
This idiom means to earn respect through hard work and sacrifice
What is "pay your dues"?
Example: She is new to the company, so she had to pay her dues by doing work that no one else wants to do.
What is "drive someone up a wall"?
Ex: Stop asking me for homework answers! You're driving me up a wall!