It's raining cats and dogs
it's raining a lot.
What is "To be all smiles".
look very cheerful and pleased, especially in contrast to a previous mood.
to burst into tears
This idioms means to suddenly start to cry.
I have butterflies in my stomach.
I'm nervous.
Call it a day
To stop doing something
Break a leg
Good Luck!
Don't spill the beans.
Don't tell my secret.
When pigs fly.
That is not going to happen.
What is once in a blue moon?
It means to do something once in a while.
What is the meaning of cool as a cucumber?
very relaxed.
Lose your head
to lose control of your emotions.
What is "died down".
This idioms means to become more quiet.
to see red
This idioms means to get really angry.
That costs an arm and a leg.
What is, "Keep a Straight Face".
This idioms means, to try not to smile or laugh.
That was a piece of cake.
That was easy.
He was on pins and needles waiting for his grades.
He is worried about his grades.
Blow off steam or let off steam
to do or say something to get rid of strong emotions
Get your act together
To stop fooling around and do something in the way it should be done
On top of the world
A state of extreme happiness