In the dark
Don't Understand something
A dime a dozen
very cheap
You're in the doghouse
You are in trouble or
someone is very angry with you
Bury the Hatchet
Forgive and forget
Call it a day
stop whatever you are doing and leave
It's raining cats and dogs
It's raining very hard
Don't breathe a word
keep a secret
on top of the world
feeling great
time flies
time passes quickly
under the weather
feeling sick
we were in stiches
laughing very hard
out of whack
broken / not working
on the double
hurry up
hold your horses
kicked the bucket
draw a blank
can't remember
pull yourself together
calm down
wipe the slate clean
start over
wet your whistle
have a drink
Don't spill the beans
keep a secret
A chip on your shoulder
Looking for an excuse to fight
Bend an ear
listen or pay attention
put your cards on the table
be honest
barking up the wrong tree
making a mistake
take a load off
have a seat
fit to be tied
very angry or upset
He throws his weight around and tries to act important
he brags a lot
pull yourself together
calm down
Don't spill the beans
don't tell anyone: keep a secret
Wipe the slate clean
start over; a new beginning