No pain, no gain
You have to work for what you want
Pull someone's leg
To joke with someone
Wrap your head around something
Understand something complicated
Easy does it
Slow down
On the ball
Doing a good job
So far so good
Things are going well so far
Under the weather
Hang in there
Don't give up
Make a long story short
Tell something briefly
Pull yourself together
Calm down
To get bent out of shape
To get upset
Hit the sack
Go to sleep
Miss the boat
It's too late
Let someone off the hook
To not hold someone responsible for something
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it
Let's not talk about that problem right now
Get your act together
Work better or leave
That's the last straw
My patience has run out
Give someone the benefit of the doubt
Trust what someone says
Your guess is as good as mine
I have no idea
Get out of hand
Get out of control