Be like a Fish out of Water
Out of place/Lost
Big Mouth
Talk alot
Random/Uncalled for
Give it a shot
Drink Like a Fish
Drink Alot
A piece of cake
Behind someone's back
without them knowing
Red Flag
Call it a day
Be done/Time to quit
Hold your horses
Stop/Hold on
Like two peas in a pod
Two of the same/Very similar
To get something off one's chest
To tell someone about your problems/issues
Caught Red-Handed
Caught someone in the act of doing something
Draw a blank
Hungry as a Bear
Very Hungry
Walking on eggshells
Keep your chin up
Stay positive/Be happy
Black and White
Have mixed feelings
Unsure about something
Scaredy Cat
Bite off more than you can chew
Too much to handle
Hands are Tied
Nothing you can do
Left in the Dark
In the same boat
In a similar situation/place