Cassie is nuts about you.
Likes someone a great deal
He went to the gym to blow off steam.
release anger/excess energy
That new song keeps running through my head.
Repeating something mentally.
In trouble.
Jill is starting to look run down
tired; not groomed
I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse
I am very hungry
He is really shook up about the accident.
He is upset, unnerved
Melissa is dragging her feet on making a decision.
Being slow, procrastinating
I knew Tim would chicken out on us
Reverse a decision and not participate.
My dad is going to hit the ceiling when he sees the car.
Do you think we can polish off these cookies?
Finish the cookies
I was all choked up after his speech
Overly emotional
The teachers were up in arms about the new rules.
Upset and angry
Her story sounds fishy to me.
Not true, unbelievable
That boy is a pain in the neck
A bother, an annoyance
The assignment was a piece of cake
Something stupid/embarrassing
Those kids are always fighting tooth and nail.
Fighting energetically and with determination.
What's the matter, cats got your tongue?
Not speaking, quiet
My brother says things that really burn me up.
anger; make one mad
Ted is sour grapes because he lost
Poor Sport
I think you got up on the wrong side of the bed.
grumpy; in a bad mood
Information from other people
It's raining cats and dogs outside.
The teachers were up in arms about the new rules.
upset; anger