t there is a downpour of heavy, torrential rain.
“it’s raining cats and dogs’
a product or service is pretty expensive
s cost an arm and a leg
s to reach the main point or get to the point
Get at the heart of the matter
to tell that person what you really think
“come down on them like a ton of bricks.
to explain again and make the process clearer
Shed light
t someone is asking you to take it slow, and reconsider before acting
Hold your horses
a person has become nervous or afraid of doing something that was already planned
Get cold feet
you are very interested in it
close to your heart
to express exasperation
For crying out loud/for goodness sake!
understand what a friend said
Get someone’s drift
they will never do it.
When pigs fly
expression for a good or a bad feeling
“feeling it in your bones
cry till you drop, or until you no longer have any tears left
Cry your heart out
annoy or irritate without a reason
Rub someone up the wrong way
If you want to be really sure someone understands what you’re saying
“hammer your point home
someone is slow or takes too long,
Till the cows come home
synonymous with wealth, It means born into an aristocratic or very rich family
Born with a silver spoon in your mouth
you’ve changed your mind about something
Have a change of heart
strong request not to be disturbed.
Get off my back
someone is trying to trick or deceive you
Get wise to
action is complicated, chaotic or nearly impossible
It is like herding frogs
a small, but non-physical punishment
Slap on the wrist
your intentions are good, even if you’ve made a mistake
“heart is in the right place
your patience is running out and you don’t know what to do with the situation
At your wits’
you finally understand it
Figure someone/something out