It's raining cats and dogs
it's raining a lot/heavy.
What is "To be all smiles".
look very cheerful and pleased, especially in contrast to a previous mood.
Birds of a feather flock together
People who are alike are often friends (usually used negatively).
What is "Bare your soul".
This idioms means, to tell someone your secret thoughts and feelings.
She was as hard as nails
This idioms means, she was tough
Go back to the drawing board
Start over! Do it again
Don't spill the beans.
Don't tell my secret.
When pigs fly.
That is not going to happen.
We don't see eye to eye.
We don't agree.
Let the cat out of the bag.
Give away a secret
Lose your head
to lose control of your emotions.
What is "Lose your temper".
This idioms means to become very angry.
to see red
This idioms means to get really angry.
What is "Get a grip on yourself".
This idioms means, to get control over your emotions.
What is, "Keep a Straight Face".
This idioms means, to try not to smile or laugh.
Bite the bullet.
To get something over with because it is inevitable.
He was on pins and needles waiting for his grades.
He is worried about his grades.
I feel under the weather.
I don't feel good. Sick
He's a chip off the old block?
The son/daughter is like the father/mother
Play devil's advocate.
To argue the opposite, just for the sake of argument.
Miss the boat
too late
Add insult to injury.
to make a bad situation worse.
That costs an arm and a leg.
Don't give up your day job.
You're not very good at this.
Take a rain check.
Postpone a plan.