Lighten up
to relax
What is "To be all smiles".
look very cheerful and pleased, especially in contrast to a previous mood.
under the weather
to feel sick
Piece of cake
really easy
Blow off steam or let off steam
to do or say something to get rid of strong emotions
Speak of the devil
The person we were just talking about just showed up
Are you pulling my leg?
Are you messing with me?
Cutting corners
This idioms means to do something poorly in order to save time and/or money
We'll cross that bridge when we come to it
Let's not talk about that problem right now
cost an arm and a leg
being extremely expensive
Raining cats and dogs
raining really hard
Rule of thumb
a basic rule you have to follow
That's the last straw
Patience is running out
Call it a day
to decide to stop doing something
to burst into tears
This idioms means to suddenly start to cry.
wrap your head around something
to fully understand something
What is "Get a grip"
This idioms means, to get control over your emotions.
What is, "Keep a Straight Face".
This idioms means, to try not to smile or laugh.
Lose your head
to lose control of your emotions.
hit the hay
go to sleep
Break a leg
Good luck
a dime a dozen
something very common
A picture is worth a thousand words
better to show than tell
Go back to the drawing board
to start over
What is "Wear your heart on your sleeve."
This idioms means, to show your feelings, especially your love for someone.