It's raining cats and dogs
What is "A dime a dozen."
something common and of little value
to burst into tears
This idioms means to suddenly start to cry.
What is "Get out of hand?"
Get out of control.
To get something over with because it is inevitable
Bite the bullet
Break a leg
Good Luck!
Stop working on something.
Call it a day.
When pigs fly.
That is not going to happen.
Avoid saying what you mean, usually because it is uncomfortable
Beat around the bush.
Easy does it.
Something that at first appears to be bad or unlucky but is actually good.
A blessing in disguise.
What is "A fish out of water?"
Someone in an uncomfortable position or situation.
to see red
This idioms means to get really angry.
What is "Add insult to injury".
Do something to make a bad situation worse
What is, "Keep a Straight Face".
This idioms means, to try not to smile or laugh.
That was a piece of cake.
That was easy.
Eager to listen to what someone has to say.
All ears.
I don't feel good.
What does "cut someone some slack mean?"
Don't be critical.
I have butterflies in my stomach.
I'm nervous.
Doing something poorly in order to save some money
Cutting corners
Sleep like a log.
That costs an arm and a leg.
I'm going to hit the sack.
I'm going to bed and sleep.
I'm feeling under the weather.
I'm feeling sick.