hit the hay
Go to sleep
drop of a hat
To do something immediately
pulling my leg
joking with someone
we are all in the same boat
we are in the same problem or situation
icing on the cake
to make a good situation better or a bad situation worse
the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
When a child is similar to their parent
bite my tongue
to not speak
stuck between a rock and a hard place
Choose between two bad choices
To avoid getting to the point
run out of steam
start to get tired
After dinner, I am going to hit the hay.
Use at the drop of a hat in your own sentence
When the teacher came into the class, the students sat down at the drop of a hat.
Use pulling my leg in your own sentence.
I told my friend that we had a spelling test tomorrow, but I was just pulling his leg.
Use we are all in the same boat in your own sentence.
After running to the bus stop, my neighbors and I missed the bus. I turned to my friend and said, "well at least we are all in the same boat!".
Use icing on the cake in your own sentence.
After a long day of school, having to clean my room was just icing on the cake.
Use the apple doesn't fall far from the tree in your own sentence.
I am very messy but so is my mom. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Use bite my tongue in your own sentence.
I wanted to yell at my friend when she cut me in line, but I decided to bite my tongue instead.
Use stuck between a rock and a hard place in your own sentence.
After school, I have to decide if I want to clean my room or start my homework, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Use beat around the bush in your own sentence.
I did not want to tell my friend that I could not go to her birthday party, so I tried to beat around the bush and talk about other things.
Use run out of steam in your own sentence.
After doing homework for 2 hours, I began to run out of steam and went to take a nap.