Under the Weather
To feel ill
Sat on the fence
To be undecided
Come rain or shine
No matter what
As right as rain
The ball is in your court
Its up to you
Through thick and thin
To be loyal no matter what
Go down in flames
To fail spectacularly
Beat around the bush
To avoid saying something
Spill the beans
To give away a secret
Once in a blue moon
You can say that again
To agree completely
Hit the sack
Go to bed
Break a leg
Good luck
It's the best thing since sliced bread
It's really, really good
See eye to eye
To agree completely
Miss the boat
It's too late
To pull someones leg
To play a practical joke
Take it with a pinch of salt
Don't take it too seriously
Jump on the bandwagon
To follow a trend
By the skin of your teeth
Just barely