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Finishing this puzzle was a piece of cake, we put it together so quickly!

A piece of cake means...

Something is super easy!


My brother asked me if I wanted to go Sky diving with him and I responded, "I have never been sky diving, but I will give it a whirl with you!"

Give it a whirl means...

to try something new!


After hearing a loud boom! of thunder, my brother said "Oh wow, it is really raining cats and dogs out there!"

Raining cats and dogs means...

It is raining super hard!


Mirah accidentally let the cat out of the bag when she told Charlie about his surprise birthday party!

Let the cat out of the bag means...

Telling a secret!


After seeing the huge audience in the stadium, I got cold feet and became really nervous about performing my dance!

Getting cold feet means... 

Feeling scared and unsure about going through with something!


After a long day of work, I go home and become a couch potato by turning on the tv and laying down.

Couch potato means...

To be lazy and sit/lay down for a long period of time!


After earning a 100% on my test, my teacher told me I hit the nail on the head with all of my answers!

Hit the nail on the head means...

To describe something exactly the right way!


Before Justin Bieber went on stage to sing, his mom said "break a leg!" and gave him a hug.

Break a leg means...

Good luck!


Me and my best friend are like 2 peas in a pod, we love all the same things!

2 peas in a pod means...

People are very similar or always together!


I accidentally locked my keys in my car when I got out and nobody was able to come pick me up- I was in a real pickle!

In a pickle means...

In trouble or in a tricky situation!


When the big thunderstorm came, my dad was cool as a cucumber and helped everyone relax.

Cool as a cucumber means...

Someone is relaxed and calm!


Mirah was beside herself with joy after getting an A on her test, she could not stop smiling!

Beside yourself with joy means...

to be extremely happy!


I can't worry about cleaning my room right now, I have bigger fish to fry- I need to finish my school project tonight!

Have bigger fish to fry means...

Having more important things to do!


I bought a used laptop online that turned out to be real lemon- It wouldn't even turn on!

A real lemon means...

Something that does not work well or is not good quality!


I was really upset when I got an F on my test but my dad told me "Don't cry over spilled milk, you can't change it now!"

"Don't cry over spilled milk" means...

Don't be upset about something that you cannot change!


My brother wanted to borrow my art supplies, so he buttered me up with compliments before asking to use them.

Butter someone up means...

To be extra nice to someone to try to get something from them!


I have a big test tomorrow in school, so I will be burning the midnight oil all night tonight studying!

Burning the midnight oil means...

to work or study hard!


Charlie figured out the puzzle before anyone else! He is as sly as a fox when it comes to solving puzzles!

As sly as a fox means...

Someone is really smart and clever!


While walking through the pottery store, my brother bumped into almost every pot he walked by. My mom rolled her eyes and said "Garrison, you are like a bull in a China shop!".

Like a bull in a China shop means... 

Someone who is clumsy and accidentally breaks things!


Ricky made the baseball team by the skin of his teeth, he was the last one picked!

By the skin of your teeth means...

to barely make it through something!
