the name for sayings that people use every day, and although they do not make sense literally, people understand what they mean?
What are Idioms
Costs an Arm and a leg
What is really expensive?
That's my Cup of Tea
What someone likes or prefers.
Piece of Cake
Something that is easily done.
Walk on eggshells
What is be extremely cautious about one's words or actions?
Hold Your Horses
Used for telling someone to wait before doing something.
Money Doesn't Grow on Trees
Money must be earned and does not come freely.
Best Thing Since Sliced Bread
A person or thing that is considered to be very good.
Out of the Blue
Something that happens without warning.
to be in a very difficult situation and to have to make a hard decision
Wrap My Head Around
Find a way to understand or accept something.
Hit the Hay
Go to bed.
Have a Bone to Pick
To want to talk to someone about something annoying they have done.
Break a Leg
To wish someone good luck.
In the heat of the moment
Overwhelmed by what is happening in the moment.
A Bad Egg
Someone who does bad things.
Elephant in the Room
An obvious problem that people avoid talking about.
Wrong Side of the Bed
When someone is in a bad mood.
Throw a Fit
When someone is expressing extreme anger.
This idiom is used to say that two (or more people) agree on something. They don't...
See eye to eye
Blessing in Disguise
A good thing that seemed bad at first.
Head in the Clouds
When someone’s thoughts are somewhere else.
Go Down in Flames
When something or someone ends or fails suddenly and very badly.
Bite off more than you can chew
What is To take on a task that is way to big?
wrap your head around it
Understand something complicated