Animal Idioms
Body Part Idioms
Food Idioms
Weather Idioms
Mixed Idioms

What does the idiom “the elephant in the room” mean?
A. A big problem everyone is ignoring
B. An exciting surprise
C. A slow decision
D. A delicate situation

Answer: A. A big problem everyone is ignoring


If something “costs an arm and a leg,” it is...
A. Extremely expensive
B. Very rare
C. Highly desired
D. Easily obtained

Answer: A. Extremely expensive


What does “the icing on the cake” refer to?
A. An unexpected problem
B. An extra benefit
C. A last-minute change
D. A serious mistake

Answer: B. An extra benefit


To “under the weather” means to...
A. Feel ill
B. Be unprepared for a situation
C. Be emotionally unstable
D. Feel extremely cold

Answer: A. Feel ill


To “hit the nail on the head” means to...
A. Say exactly the right thing
B. Make an important decision
C. Make a big mistake
D. Finish something quickly

Answer: A. Say exactly the right thing


To let the cat out of the bag means to...
A. Tell a secret accidentally
B. Start an argument
C. Leave suddenly
D. Avoid responsibility

Answer: A. Tell a secret accidentally


To “get cold feet” means to...
A. Lose confidence before an important event
B. Become shy in front of a crowd
C. Feel nervous in cold weather
D. Make a bad decision

Answer: A. Lose confidence before an important event


If something is a “piece of cake,” it is...
A. Very easy
B. Very difficult
C. Enjoyable but short-lived
D. Disappointing

Answer: A. Very easy


To “take a rain check” means to...
A. Postpone an invitation or event
B. Decline an offer
C. Cancel an appointment
D. Wait for better conditions

Answer: A. Postpone an invitation or event


If someone is “burning the candle at both ends,” what are they doing?
A. Working very hard with little rest
B. Spending too much money
C. Having fun without thinking of the consequences
D. Trying to do two tasks at once

Answer: A. Working very hard with little rest


If someone is “crying wolf,” what are they doing?
A. Pretending to be sad
B. Giving false warnings
C. Asking for help repeatedly
D. Complaining without reason

Answer: B. Giving false warnings


If something is “on the tip of your tongue,” it means...
A. You are about to remember something
B. You can’t speak clearly
C. You are holding back a secret
D. You are angry but controlling it

Answer: A. You are about to remember something


To “spill the beans” means to...
A. Share a secret
B. Start gossip
C. Make a mistake
D. Tell the truth

Answer: A. Share a secret


What does “storm in a teacup” refer to?
A. A small issue blown out of proportion
B. A short argument with no real outcome
C. A quiet but dangerous situation
D. A discussion that goes nowhere

Answer: A. A small issue blown out of proportion


What does “hit the ground running” mean?
A. Start something successfully and immediately
B. Avoid responsibility
C. End a project too soon
D. Ignore a problem

Answer: A. Start something successfully and immediately


To “have bigger fish to fry” means to...
A. Have more important things to do
B. Be out of options
C. Be in a bad situation
D. Have more time than expected

Answer: A. Have more important things to do


To “have a chip on your shoulder” means to...
A. Feel resentful or angry about something
B. Be ready to fight
C. Be very determined
D. Carry a heavy burden

Answer: A. Feel resentful or angry about something


What does “take it with a grain of salt” mean?
A. Accept something but not too seriously
B. Refuse to believe a rumor
C. Change your mind frequently
D. Be skeptical of someone's honesty

Answer: A. Accept something but not too seriously


To “weather the storm” means to...
A. Survive a difficult situation
B. Prepare for something bad
C. Endure a long period of discomfort
D. Avoid unnecessary risks

Answer: A. Survive a difficult situatio


To “throw in the towel” means to...
A. Give up
B. Start an argument
C. Make a last effort
D. Avoid taking sides

Answer: A. Give up


If someone is a “dark horse,” what are they?
A. A person with hidden talents
B. A person who is mysterious
C. A person with a bad temper
D. A person who is shy

Answer: A. A person with hidden talents


To “turn a blind eye” means to...
A. Ignore something wrong intentionally
B. Forget something unpleasant
C. Misunderstand a situation
D. Be unable to see the truth

Answer: A. Ignore something wrong intentionally


To “have your cake and eat it too” means...
A. Want to enjoy two benefits simultaneously
B. Get everything you desire easily
C. Take more than what is fair
D. Be both generous and selfish

Answer: A. Want to enjoy two benefits simultaneously


To be “on cloud nine” means to...
A. Be extremely happy
B. Be daydreaming
C. Be confused
D. Be uncertain about something

Answer: A. Be extremely happy


What does “the ball is in your court” mean?
A. It is your responsibility to take action
B. You have made a mistake and need to fix it
C. You need to make a decision quickly
D. You have limited time to respond

Answer: A. It is your responsibility to take action
