A lump in your throat
Tight feeling in the throat because of an emotion like sadness, pride, or fear.
To kill time
To spend time while waiting
Green with envy
Tie the knot
Get married
Red tape
Makes your flesh crawl
Creepy feeling
In the nick of time
Just before it's too late
A grey area
Unclear or undefined
Keep a stiff upper lip
Stay tough; don't get upset. Fortitude.
Once in a blue moon
Almost never
Having your heart set on something
You're determined to do it
In the heat of the moment
To react to something that is happening
Sour grapes
When someone doesn't like something because they're jealous
In the black (or out of the red)
Out of debtg
Blood, sweat, and tears
Something that takes a lot of effort, pain, or hard work
High time
Long overdue
Raise the white flag
Give up
Spill the beans
Tell a secret
Paint the town red
Celebrate or have fun partying
Itchy feet
A strong urge to travel or relocate
Against the clock
Time limit
Out of the blue
Eleventh hour
Last minute
Tickled pink
To be very pleased