a hot potato
what is a controversial situation or issue that is awkward to deal with?
once in a blue moon
what is something that rarely happens
raining cats and dogs
what is raining heavily
miss the boat
miss the chance
stop talking
a piece of cake
what is something that is easy to do
bed of roses
what is an easy option
something that will never happen or impossible
brand spanking new
something not used
burn the midnight oil
work late into the night
apple of my eye
someone very dear
devil's advocate
one who presents a counter argument
wolf in sheep's clothing
a deceptive appearance
get your feet wet
begin an activity
learn the ropes
figure something out
fall between two stools
fall between 2 alternatives and fail to fulfill either one of them
shrinking violet
someone shy, timid or reserved
cat's pajamas
excellent or outstanding
playing second fiddle
to be regarded as less important
beyond the veil
something hidden or inaccessible
forty winks
a brief nap
the die is cast
a point of no return or irreversible change
pig in a poke
buying something without looking at it
an elaborate show or exhibition
cut the mustard
good enough