I really don't know
I haven't a clue
Not knowing very much about something that's being kept secret
In the dark
Become a permanent part of the community where you live
Put down roots
Very succesfully
With flying colours
That makes two of us
Having avoided a duty,an unpleasant situation or punishment
Off the hook
Get a move on
At the start of a situation or action
In the first place
Use a good situation to get the best possible resuit
Make the most of
The more people come,the more fun it will be
The more,the merrier
Try to make a problem or bad situation seem less important than it really is
Play down
How rude!
What nerve!
Something that makes you think carefully
Food for thought
OK,under the circumstances,but not very well
As well as can be expected
That's more likely a good thing
It's just as well
As soon as possible
The sooner,the better
Be in worse condition than it used to be
Have seen better days
Most of the time
More often than not
No kidding
Leave (somebody) alone
Give (somebody) a break
There's not really a reason doing something
There's not much point in doing something
I don't know or understand
Beats me!
Enthusiastically saying yes
You bet!
How come?
Annoy (someone)
Get on (someone) nerves