That's kind of fishy.
Something not right or out of the ordinary
Knocked my socks off
Something really good
Put yourself in his/her shoes
Look at something from someone else's perspective
dirt cheap
something very cheap
catch a cold
getting sick
Have good luck
Play by ear
wait to see; ex. waiting to hear back about how many people are coming before making food.
tell someone something
hit the nail on the head
an answer that is exactly right
frog in my throat
having trouble talking
You're making me crazy
Give it a try
sleep on it
taking time to think about something before making a decision
If you see eye-to-eye with someone it means...
having the same opinion
it opened my eyes
seeing something from a new perspective/differently
Hang on
Just wait
Cost an arm and a leg
something very expensive
heart of gold
someone very kind
break the news
tell someone something
Cat got your tongue?
Not saying anything
feeling blue
feeling sad
don't throw in the towel
don't give up
through thick and thin
through everything
Threw me a curve
something surprising or something unexpected