I lost my head
To get very angry and overreact
a little birdie told me
someone told me a secret
The ball is in your court
Your turn to make a decision
apple of my eye
very special
break a leg
Good luck
To bite off more than you can chew
To take on too many projects that you cannot handle
Don't judge a book by its cover
Don't judge something based on looks alone
Don't cry over spilled milk
To overreact
a night owl
someone that likes to stay up late
It cost an arm and a leg
Something very expensive
Cat got your tongue
Having a hard time talking
Blessing in disguise
Something that starts out as bad that turns into something good
Don't put all of your eggs in one basket
Don't put all hopes into one possibility
hold your horses
wait, be patient
cry your eyes out
to cry very hard
When pigs fly
Hit the nail on the head
To be exactly right
Taste of your own medicine
To have something done to you that you did to another person
head in the clouds
To see eye to eye
to agree on something
To let the cat out of the bag
Tell a secret
a dime a dozen
to be common or not special
A bad apple
a person who doesn't follow the rules
Last straw
Someone's last chance