Michael began to "clam up" when his mom questioned him about the mess.
not say a word because of fright or nervousness
Jordon's mom "threw him for a loop" when she told him where they were going on vacation.
to be surprised and not expecting something
Mrs. Cisela was the "power behind the throne" in her classroom.
someone who has a lot of influence in a job
Rose's "tempo changed" when she was not allowed to go to the mall with her friends like she was planning.
the way things were going take an unexpected turn
Adriana thought the test was a "piece of cake". She scored a 100%.
Mrs. Cisela "kept her nose to the grindstone" to finish her work before her deadline.
concentrate and focus on your work without being distracted
Ms. Chavez asked David if the "cat had his tongue" when she was questioning him about his homework.
unable to speak
David's happiness "went down the drain" when his team lost the close game.
lost something valuable
Rose was in "hot water" when her dad received the credit card bill.
in trouble
Ms. Chavez knew she "nailed down the job" when Dr. Finch said "we would be honored to have someone like you at our school".
succeed in obtaining a position
Mrs. Noreen's "heart was in her mouth" when she realized her phone was not in her pocket.
After Michael was sent to the office, he was "waiting for the other shoe to drop" when his Mom received a phone call from school.
waiting for more trouble
Wilder knew his "fate was on the line" when he was taking his college entrance exams.
his future depended on this moment
Mrs. Noreen knew "the cat was out of the bag" when her belly began to show. (and no I'm not pregnant :)
the secret was out
Mrs. Noreen's son "stuck his foot in his mouth" when he accidentally said a bad word.
say the wrong thing and cause oneself embarrassment
Mrs. Ahmad knew she "could climb the ladder of success" if she continued to get more degrees!
go through life moving from one job to another
David's "heart swelled with pride" when he scored the goal.
to be full of oneself
Ricardo's baby sister was a "thorn in his side" when he was trying to rest.
a nagging problem
Jordon was feeling "on top of the world" when they won the final basketball game.
feeling terrific
Eating out of his hand
easily make someone do or think the way you want them to