Very healthy
In the pink of health
What you say to someone who does not want to speak
Cat got your tongue
Someone or something I like a lot
Apple of my eye
To be in trouble
In hot water
Wait and be patient
Hold your horses
Very angry
To see red
Very expensive
Cost an arm and a leg
A very intelligent person
One smart cookie
Very happy
On cloud nine
Get two things done at the same time
Kill two birds with one stone
Something that happens rarely
Once in a blue moon
An advantage over everyone else
A head start
Bought by many people
Sell like hot cakes
Bad luck and bad things tend to happen all at the same time
It never rains but it pours
To be uncomfortable in a particular situation
Like a fish out of water
Wanting something someone else has
Green with envy
To monitor someone too closely, causing distress and discomfort
Breathe down one's neck
To reveal something secret
Spill the beans
Make people pay attention to you
Steal my thunder
You have many opportunities before you
The world is your oyster
A person who is a disgrace to the family or group
Black sheep
To be very close to someone
Joined at the hip
To earn a salary
Bring home the bacon
To spoil my happy feelings
Rain on my parade
Something that is not likely to happen
When pigs fly