I'm all ears
I'm listening
Don't let the cat out of the bag
Don't tell my secret
That was a piece of cake
It was easy
Hit the sack
Time for bed
Give me a hand
Help me
Break a leg
Good Luck
It's raining cats and dogs
It's raining hard
Don't cry over spilled milk
Don't worry about things that happened in the past
Time flies when you're having fun
Time goes by quickly
Does the cat have your tongue
Why are you being so quiet
You're pulling my leg
You're joking
Hold your horses
Be patient
This is the best thing since sliced bread
A good invention
Let's call it a day
Time to go home
Don't bite off more than you can chew
Don't try to do too much
Zip your lips
Be quiet
You're like a bull in a china shop
You're clumsy
They're like two peas in a pod
They are alike
You missed the boat
Too late
Butterflies in my stomach
I have cold feet
I'm nervous
When pigs fly
It's never going to happen
He's the apple of my eye
Very special to me
Go back to the drawing board
Start over
Your head is in the clouds
Not paying attention