As blind as a bat
unable to see well
Elbow Grease
hard physical effort
bad egg
someone who is not to be trusted
rain cats and dogs
rain heavily
quit, give up
as gentle as a lamb
to be pleasant, calm, and caring
stripped down to the simplest form
tough nut to crack
a difficult problem
under the weather
feeling ill
throw money down the drain
waste money
to detect something suspicious
fit as a fiddle
in very good health
grain of salt
be skeptical of a statement
have your head in the clouds
day dreaming; not knowing what is happening around you
skeleton in the closet
an embarrassing or shameful secret
fight like cats and dogs
to have angry arguments all of the time
blood is thicker than water
family relationships take precedence over others
Bigger fish to fry
to have more important things to do
once in a blue moon
very rarely
eat out of house and home
eat everything in somebody's house
straight from the horses mouth
information that is obtained from the best possible authority on the matter
Forty Winks
a short nap
above the salt
of high standing or honor
dog days of the summer
the hottest day of the summer
wear the pants in the house
be the boss in the house, run a household