What does the italicized means?
You've been working in the garden since lunch. Why don't you call it a day?
What does the italicized means?
stop working for the rest of the day.
You can ague until you're blue in the face, but you'll never convince me.
What does the italicized means?
exhausted from anger, strain, or other great effort.
puppy : dog :: cub : ______
Finish the analogy:
room : house :: branch : __________
Finish the analogy
baby : crawl :: airplane : _____________
Finish the analogy
Put a little elbow grease into the job and polish the glass until it shines.
What does the italicized means?
hard work
I almost missed the bus this morning, but I made it by the skin of my teeth.
What does the italicized means?
just barely in time.
I fly off the handle whenever anyone calls me "kiddo."
What does the italicized means?
very angry
finger : hand :: page : _______
Finish the analogy
sun : shine :: knife : _________
Finish the analogy
Stethoscope : doctor :: paintbrush : __________
Finish the analogy
artist ; painter
In restaurants, my little cousin is like a bull in a china shop, she breaks many dishes a week.
What does the italicized means?
person who is extremely clumsy.
Josh talked constantly but his camping trip, so we finally told him to button his lip.
What does the italicized means?
keep quiet and don't speak
When my mom lost her job, she was down in the dumps.
What does the italicized means?
feeling unhappy.
film : camera :: ink : __________
Finish the analogy
shirt : clothing :: ring : ___________
Finish the analogy
mouse : computer :: remote control : ________
Finish the analogy
When everyone yelled "Happy Birthday!" you could have knocked me over with a feather.
What does the italicized means?
I was extremely surprised.
Pablo is a night owl, so he often sleeps late in the morning.
What does the italicized means?
person who likes to stay up late.
Jan is so sensitive that she cries at the drop of a hat.
What does the italicized means?
flower : beautiful :: child : _______
Finish the analogy
tablecloth : table :: scarf : ___________
Finish the analogy
answer : question :: alone : __________
Finish the analogy
Don't get so upset - you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
What does the italicized means?
making a big deal out of a minor problem
A little birdie told me that you're mad at me. Is it true?
What does the italicized means?
I was told by someone whose name I won't mention or tell.
I can't give a speech without getting butterflies in my stomach.
What does the italicized means?
a nervous feeling in my stomach
gas : tank :: salt : _________
Finish the analogyshaker
heavy : light :: speedy : _________
Finish the analogy
slow, calm.
hamster : running wheel :: runner : ______
Finish the analogy