stupid money
an excessive amount of money
Bottom of the career ladder
in a low position in a work
work like a dog
work very hard
calling the shots
making the important decisions
very poor
Get the sack
to be dismissed from the job
A day late and a dollar short
too late and not enough
go back to the drawing board
start again from the beginning
to rob Peter to pay Paul
to borrow money from one person to pay back the money you borrowed from someone else.
invited to join a new workplace which had noticed his talents
A fresh pair of eyes
A new and different perspective
make small adjustments
to hold purse strings
to control the spending of a family's or organization's money
Run-of-the mill
boring routine
Bang up job
An excellent job
in the loop
to be strapped for cash
to be short of money
snowed under
being very busy at work
Behind closed doors
In private, confidential
rule of thumb
general practice