My cousin Bruce has a big mouth, so he told everyone that I like Tucker.

What does "Have a big mouth" mean?

To tend to give away secrets


"I know you're in a hurry, but please don't cut corners," said Mr. Larson.

What does "cut corners" mean?

Take shortcuts when working


After Evelyn forgot her point, she started grasping at straws, desperately hoping to win the debate somehow.

What does "grasping at straws" mean?

Struggling to succeed when chances are bad


No one plays pranks on Mrs. Bradshaw, because she has eyes in the back of her head.

What does "eyes in the back of her head" mean?

To know everything going on


Brody tended his flowers carefully, so he figured the Best Rose Award was in the bag.

What does "in the bag" mean?

A certainty


Andy is a healthy eater, so he is always on my case about eating more fruits and vegetables.

What does "on my case" mean?

nagging someone


My hobbies will be on the back burner until studying for exams stops taking up my free time.

What does "on the back burner" mean?

On hold


Alec complained so much about the meeting that Sandra finally told him to put a cork in it.

What does "put a cork in it" mean?

Stop talking right now


We agree on almost all of the plan, so why should we split hairs over this one detail?

What does "split hairs" mean?

To fight over tiny differences


After her roommate moved out suddenly, Brooke was left high and dry, paying all the rent herself.

What does "left high and dry" mean?

Without help


Paula put her foot down and told her sister to stop borrowing her clothes without asking.

What does "put her foot down" mean?

To make a firm demand


Racing upstairs, the babysitter asked, "What kind of monkey business are you girls up to?"

What does "monkey business" mean?

Naughty behavior


Richard usually doesn't follow trends, but he jumped on the bandwagon and bought those sneakers.

What does "jumped on the bandwagon" mean?

To do the popular thing


I'll agree to go to the play, but I draw the line at going to the party afterward.

What does "draw the line" mean?

To set a limit someone won't go past


You may have mentioned this book before, but the title doesn't ring a bell.

What does "ring a bell" mean?

Sound familiar


Hayley and her friend Sharon met in middle school and immediately became joined at the hip.

What does "joined at the hip" mean?

Always together


I thought Hannah liked me, but she gave me the cold shoulder at the party.

What does "gave me the cold shoulder" mean?

To ignore someone in an unfriendly way


I can't quite remember the name of that magician we saw perform in Las Vegas, but it is on the tip of my tongue.

What does "on the tip of my tongue" mean?

Almost remembered


I can pull strings and get you an invitation to the Academy Awards.

What does "pull strings" mean?

To ask for favors to make something happen


I can't go to the movies this Thursday, but I'd like to take a rain check for next week.

What does "take a rain check" mean?

To take an offer now that will be done later


When we found out that the new fence failed to keep the rabbits out of our garden, we had to go back to the drawing board and try something else.

What does "go back to the drawing board" mean?

To start over from the beginning


From the day they first met, Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson have been head over heels for each other.

What does "head over heels" mean?

Very in love


Please stop beating around the bush and just tell me what's on your mind!

What does "beating around the bush" mean?

To avoid saying something directly


Don't mention Hawaii, because Christine will show her photographs of Waikiki Beach at the drop of a hat.

What does "at the drop of a hat" mean?

With little persuading


Dr. McClain gave us some food for thought when he said too much TV can be unhealthy.

What does "food for thought" mean?

Something to think about seriously
