Idioms 1
Idioms 2
Idioms 3
Idioms 4
Idioms 5

Moises moonwalked backwards into Josue’s locker causing a giant waterfall of slime to fall from Josue’s gym shoes.  Moises fell in the slime but tried to pretend it was a breakdancing move.  Just then a stampede of sixth grade girls came running down the hall and trampled Moises.  He was left in a pool of slime with Hello Kitty prints from the bottom of the girls’ shoes all over his face. Poor Moises, that was really…

adding insult to injury


When Sumina  broke  her mother’s favorite dish she decided to talk about the good grade she is getting in Literacy and how beautiful her mom’s dress was.  Sumina was…

beating around the bush


Kathwee, Stefany and May were talking about Anthony’s dreamy brown eyes all morning.  When he walked into class, Gigi said…

Speak of the devil


Jonathan decided to wait until the last day of the semester to do all his work.  He tried to write 4 papers, make up six tests and do 531 journal entries during a half hour detention. Jonathan…

bit off more than he could chew


Steven was supposed to make a hamburger, but meat was too expensive, so he made it out of playdough.  When he served it to his father it was not delicious.  It was a bad idea to…

cut corners

  • Which idiom means every bad situation holds the possibility of something good?
  • Every cloud has a silver lining 
  • Which idiom means to reveal a secret?
  • Let the cat out of the bag 
  • Which idiom means to do two different things at the same time?
  • Kill two birds with one stone 

The assignment is due tomorrow and G still isn’t done at 9pm.  G will need to

burn the midnight oil

  • Which idiom means when you acted a way you wouldn’t normally act because of sudden strong feelings like anger, fear or love.
  • In the heat of the moment

When Alicia yelled,”There’s a fire in the hall,” we all ran out of the building even though we didn’t see any smoke or fire because we….

Gave her the benefit of the doubt


Mr. Pecina dreams of being a YouTube rap star, but he raps like an old white man and all his songs are about how much he likes tuna sandwiches for lunch. What idiomatic advice do you have for Mr. Pecina?

Don't quit your day job


Mr. Snow called Christopher down to the office for stealing his Barney costume and running through the lunchroom singing, “I love you, you love me, we’re a
Wildcat family…” But 6th period saw a purple tail sticking out under Bryan’s sweatshirt.  Mr. Snow is…

Barking up the wrong tree

  • Which idiom refers to a person who expresses an opinion that disagrees with others so that there will be an interesting discussion?
  • Devil's Advocate 

•When Beung asked a girl out on a date he dressed up nice, bought her flowers and candy, and planned a nice restaurant and a movie to take her to.  Beung went…

the whole nine yards

  • Which idiom means that what people do tells you more about who they are than the words they say?
  • Actions speak louder than words 
  • Which idiom means don’t worry about a possible problem until it actually happens?
  • Cross that bridge when you come to it
  • Which idiom means don’t put all your money or hopes for future into one possibility that might not happen because you could lose everything if it doesn’t happen?
  • Don't put all your eggs in one basket

Hana used the whole box of Kleenex, but she still came to school.  She did all her work, but you could tell by looking at her that she was...

feeling under the weather

  • Which idiom means to join or support an activity or cause that is becoming more popular?
  • Jump on the bandwagon

Marco tried to make an exploding volcano for the science fair, but instead of exploding it melted into the shape of a big kissy face emoji.  Marco needs to…

go back to the drawing board


Erika and Ashley did their parts of the project, but Abril is too busy eating Takis and watching telenovelas to finish hers.  They have tried everything to get her to finish, but they know Abril is the only one who can finish because…

the ball is in her court


Miss Teresa says the books dance on the shelves every time she plays the song “Happy” on her phone, but Vanessa saw Miss Teresa drink 6 cups of coffee and three energy drinks today, so I would…

take it with a grain of salt

  • Which idiom means both people or groups caused this problem or that it will take both to fix it?
  • It takes two to tango

My cousin missed the bus to work, so he got to work an hour late.  Because of this, he wasn’t in the twin towers when they fell on 9/11.  Missing the bus was…

a blessing in disguise
