
The race ended in a dead heat, so both competitors were awarded the trophy.

In a dead heat-finishing a race at exactly the same time; tied


My mom said not to put all of my eggs in one basket and to make sure I have a back-up plan just in case the project didn't work out. 

put all of your eggs into one basket-to put all of your thoughts and time into one plan


What is an idiom?

A figurative language statement that is not meant to be taken literally.


We had a surprise party planned for Kelly, but John spilled the beans to her. Even though Kelly acted surprised, she really knew about the party.

Spill the beans: to give away a secret


My brother is an early bird who likes to study in the morning, but I’m a night owl so I always study at night.

Night owl: someone who loves staying up late


Susie’s going to be really busy this week, but come rain or shine, she will make sure to be at your birthday party!

Come rain or shine-to do something regardless of the situation or how difficult it might be


Ms. Jones rarely gives extra credit, but I’m going to go out on a limb and ask her for an extra credit assignment to improve my grade.

Out on a limb- to take a risk


Give two examples of idioms.



Eating a lot of food during Thanksgiving makes me exhausted. I usually hit the hay right after dessert.

Hit the hay: to go to bed


My family was planning a surprise trip to Disney, but my aunt let the cat out of the bag when she posted about it on Instagram.

the cat’s out of the bag: to reveal a surprise that was supposed to stay hidden


His teacher warned him that his incomplete assignments would lower his grade in the class, but it was like water off a duck’s back. He still didn’t complete any of his assignments.

Like water off a duck’s back-having no effect on a person


My cousin gets annoyed so easily over the smallest things. Whenever she comes over to the house, we have to walk on eggshells around her so she doesn’t get angry.

 Walking on eggshells- to act carefully so you don’t upset someone


From all of the idioms we have discussed, what's your favorite one?



We need to sit down and talk turkey about our project. If we keep wasting time, we’ll never finish.

Talk turkey: to talk seriously


When I saw the giant spider in my shower this morning, I was scared stiff.

Scared stiff: very frightened (so scared that a person can’t move)


The fundraiser goal was one million dollars, so Jill felt her $10 donation was just a drop in the ocean.

A drop in the ocean-a very small amount compared to the amount needed


My mom knew I broke her favorite coffee mug so she told me to stop beating around the bush and to stop avoiding the topic.

Beat around the bush- to avoid answering a question/talking about something.


Write a sentence using one idiom.



I’m going to stick my neck out and ask my teacher for extra time to complete the assignment.

Stick my neck out: to take a risk


I had to spill my guts to my mother about the broken window.

Spill my guts: to reveal everything


Sam needs to stop burying his head in the sand whenever he has a problem at work. Avoiding the problems will only make them worse.

Bury one’s head in the sand-to avoid a problem by pretending that nothing happened; to not accept the truth about a difficult situation


I lent my sister money twice and she never paid me back. She’s barking up the wrong tree if she thinks I’m going to lend her more money to go to a concert.

Barking up the wrong tree- making a mistake


Which idiom do we always give as an example?

It's raining cats and dogs.


When I was struggling with decimals, Ms. Jones took me under her wing and did additional problems with me after class.

Take under your wing: to take care of and help someone


Many beach resorts become ghost towns in the winter.

Ghost town: an area that’s empty or deserted
