It's raining cats and dogs
What is "To be all smiles".
look very cheerful and pleased, especially in contrast to a previous mood.
I feel under the weather.
I don't feel good.
to see red
This idioms means to get really angry.
To kill two birds with one stone
To get two solutions for one problem
I have butterflies in my stomach.
I'm nervous.
spill the beans.
Let out a secret
Break a leg
Good Luck!
We don't see eye to eye.
We don't agree.
Once in a blue moon
Very rarely
Lose your head
to lose control of your emotions.
What is "Lose your temper".
This idioms means to become very angry.
When pigs fly.
That is not going to happen.
She was as hard as nails
To put your foot in your mouth
To say something awkward or embarrasing
He was on pins and needles waiting for his grades.
He is worried about his grades.
What does "go to pieces mean'?
become very upset
Sleep like a log.
To be in the same boat
In the same situation as s.body
throw in the towel
To give up
to blush or be embarassed
That was the last straw
The final thing that makes you stop doign s.thing
What is "Bare your soul".
This idioms means, to tell someone your secret thoughts and feelings.
Around the clock
24 hours
know something like the back of your hand
To be very familiar with something