Night Owl
Who is someone that stays up late?
Cost an arm and a leg
What is something expensive?
Spill the beans
What is gossip?
The sky is the limit
What is "no limit"?
Living on the Edge
What is taking risks?
Elephant in the Room
What is the question/topic everyone wants to discuss?
Piece of cake
What is something super easy?
Think outside the box
What is thinking creatively?
Early Bird
Who is someone who gets up early?
Seeing eye to eye
What is agreeing with someone?
To butter someone up
What is a way to flatter someone?
Under the weather
What is "feeling sick"?
Run of the mill
What is something ordinary/average?
Sitting Duck
What is a vulnerable thing?
Take it with a grain of salt
What is 'to not believe something'?
Raise the roof
What is a lot of noise and excitement?
The cat's out of the bag
What is a revealed secret?
Break a leg
What is "good luck"?
From scratch
What is something homemade?
Every cloud has a silver lining
What is "a positive thing out of a negative thing"?
Sitting on the fence
What is "not decided"?