being loyal and supportive, even in difficult or challenging times (4)

hint: thick

through thick and thin

Example: We’ve been through thick and thin together, and I know I can always count on you.


get married (3)

hint: tie

tie the knot

Example: They’re finally tying the knot after dating for years.


time passes quickly (2)

hint: time

time flies

Example: It’s hard to believe we’ve been friends for 10 years. Time flies!


Wait patiently and remain in one place. (2)

hint: tight

Sit tight

Example: Sit tight while I go get the car. I’ll be back in a few minutes.


reveal a secret or confidential information (3)

hint: beans

Spill the beans

Example: He spilled the beans and told everyone about the surprise party.


happening suddenly and unexpectedly (4)

hint: blue

out of the blue

Example: I hadn’t heard from him in years, and then he called me out of the blue.


something that is not one’s preference or interest.

hint: cup

not my cup of tea

Example: I know he loves action movies, but they’re not my cup of tea.


summarize a story or situation (5)

hint: story

make a long story short

Example: To make a long story short, I missed my flight and had to stay in a hotel overnight.


to hope for a positive outcome or good luck (4)

hint: fingers

Keep your fingers crossed

Example: Keep your fingers crossed for me, I have a job interview tomorrow.


Stay positive and hopeful even in difficult circumstances. (4)

hint: chin

Keep your chin up

Example: I know things are tough right now, but keep your chin up. Things will get better.


in the same difficult or challenging situation as someone else.

hint: boat

in the same boat

Example: We’re all struggling to make ends meet. We’re in the same boat.


hear information through rumors or gossip (5)

hint: hear

hear it on the grapevine

Example: I heard on the grapevine that the company is laying off employees next month.


Do more than is expected or required. (4)

hint: mile

Go the extra mile

Example: If you want to impress your boss, go the extra mile and finish the project ahead of schedule.


Assume the best about someone’s intentions, even if they seem suspicious. (7)

hint: benefit

Give someone the benefit of the doubt

Example: I don’t think he stole my phone. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and look for it before accusing him.


Working late into the night. (4)

hint: burn

Burn the midnight oil

Example: I have a deadline tomorrow, so I’ll be burning the midnight oil tonight.


tease or joke with someone, often by making them believe something that is not true (3)

hint: leg

pull someone’s leg

Example: He said he won the lottery, but I think he’s pulling my leg.


to have enough money to cover basic expenses (3)

hint: make

make ends meet

Example: She works two jobs to make ends meet and support her family.


a sign of hope or relief after a difficult situation (7)

hint: light

Light at the end of the tunnel

Example: Even though I’m struggling with this project, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. The deadline is approaching and soon it will be finished.


happening very quickly or suddenly (6)

hint: eye

in the blink of an eye

Example: The accident happened in the blink of an eye. It was over before we even realized what had happened.


in trouble or facing negative consequences (3)

hint: water

In hot water

Example: He’s in hot water with his boss because he missed a deadline.


a difficult task or situation that requires a lot of effort and persistence to overcome.

hint: battle

uphill battle

Example: Getting a new business off the ground is always an uphill battle, but with a good plan and hard work, it can be done.


to be skeptical or doubtful about something (7)

hint: salt

take it with a pinch of salt

Example: I heard that John won the lottery, but I’m taking it with a pinch of salt. He’s known for telling tall tales.


a general guideline or rule based on experience (3)

hint: rule

rule of thumb

Example: As a rule of thumb, I always arrive 15 minutes early to appointments.


understand the hidden or implied meaning of something (4)

hint: read

Read between the lines

Example: I think there’s more going on than what she’s saying. I need to read between the lines.


Say something embarrassing or inappropriate. (6)

hint: foot

Put your foot in your mouth

Example: I put my foot in my mouth when I accidentally insulted her cooking.
