Good luck on your play tonight! Break a leg!
What does "break a leg" mean?
A) Hurt yourself
B) Do a great job
C) Run away
It’s bedtime! I’m so tired, I’m going to hit the hay.
What does "hit the hay" mean?
A) Jump on a pile of hay
B) Go to sleep
C) Play outside
It was just a small mistake. No need to cry over spilled milk!
What does "cry over spilled milk" mean?
A) Get upset over something that can’t be changed
B) Make a big mess
C) Drink a lot of milk
This math test was a piece of cake!
What does "piece of cake" mean?
A) Very easy
B) Very tasty
C) Very confusing
My sister let the cat out of the bag about our trip to Disneyland.
What does "let the cat out of the bag" mean?
A) Released a cat
B) Told a secret
C) Got a new pet
I forgot to do my homework, and now I’m in hot water with my teacher.
What does "in hot water" mean?
A) Taking a bath
B) In trouble
C) Feeling very warm
I got cold feet before my big speech, but I did it anyway.
What does "cold feet" mean?
A) My feet were freezing
B) I got scared and nervous
C) I was excited
I had butterflies in my stomach before my big soccer game.
What does "butterflies in my stomach" mean?
A) Felt nervous or excited
B) Ate too much candy
C) Ate butterflies
When my teacher started telling a funny story, I was all ears!
What does "all ears" mean?
A) Listening carefully
B) Wearing big headphones
C) Growing bigger ears
I accidentally spilled the beans about Mom’s surprise party.
What does "spilled the beans" mean?
A) Made a mess
B) Told a secret
C) Dropped my lunch
Hold your horses! We’ll leave for the park soon.
What does "hold your horses" mean?
A) Be patient
B) Ride a horse
C) Go fast
You’re so quiet! What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?
What does "cat got your tongue" mean?
A) A cat is playing with your tongue
B) You don’t know what to say
C) You are meowing like a cat
I stayed home from school because I was feeling under the weather.
What does "under the weather" mean?
A) Outside in the rain
B) Sick or not feeling well
C) Playing in the snow
When you guessed the answer, you hit the nail on the head!
What does "hit the nail on the head" mean?
A) Used a hammer
B) Made a mistake
C) Got something exactly right
I was walking on eggshells around my brother because he was in a bad mood.
What does "walking on eggshells" mean?
A) Stepping on real eggs
B) Being very careful not to upset someone
C) Playing a game with eggs