a piece of cake
Easy to do
Take the W
Take the win
Just Do It!
Nike slogan
Feeling stupid
no thoughts, head's empty
kick the bucket
to die
tip of the iceberg
start of something
You don't like something/You hate it
Not my cup of tea
Impossible is Nothing
adidas slogan
To wish someone good luck
I’ll keep my fingers crossed
A blessing in disguise
a good thing that seemed bad at first
Eat a lot of food
To be impressive
Killed it
Im Lovin' It
McDonalds Slogan
Good luck
Break a leg
No pain, no gain
you need to work hard to get results in anything
keep in touch
Maintain contact
to pay for something
Think Different
Feeling sad
Why the long face?
Under the weather
to feel sick
Sat on the fence
To be undecided
To have similar views/attitude. To agree.
Eye to eye
Taste the Feeling
You are lying/joking
Pulling my leg
I'm in hot water!
When you are in trouble or a difficult situation