What day of the week is homework due?
False! (Pens on work submitted will actually earn you negative points!)
How many minutes are in between each class? (Excluding the break before 5th period)
3 minutes!
Where do all of your personal belongings go? (backpack, cell phone, air pods, etc.)
YOUR assigned locker
x = 6
How many times can a student make homework corrections?
As many times as they want until the 9-week's is over!
Where in the classroom can you find homework you missed or need a new copy of?
What are the 3 LCMS PBIS expectations?
(Hint: Be _____, Be _______, Be _______)
Be respectful.
Be responsible.
Be Safe.
Breakfast is served where and when?
What is the slope of the line?
1/2 or 0.5
Scenario: You are quarantined!
Accurately tell 2 things you should do for Mrs. Price's class.
Answers Vary.
-Email Mrs. Price (politely)
-Check Google Classroom
True or False: If I am cold, I am allowed to change the thermostat myself.
False! Only a teacher is allowed to change the temperature in the room. Unless you are specifically asked, DO NOT TOUCH the air conditioner, heater, fan, or thermostat.
Give an example of abiding by PBIS expectations (respectful, responsible, and safe) in the classroom.
Answers vary.
-Picking up after myself
-Taking care of classroom property
-Being a pal to others
True or False: In the morning, after going to my locker and getting breakfast, I can go into anyone's classroom that I want to.
False. You must report to your assigned Advisory classroom.
What are the 3 types of rigid transformations?
Translations, Rotations, Reflections
Scenario: You forgot to study for a test! What should you do?
1. Cry
2. Check out of school
3. Put "idk" for all the answers
4. Try my best! I know I can retake the test.
You are allowed to retake the test 1 time.
This is where I turn in my work when I am finished.
The black trays at the front of the classroom.
(If it is late work, please tell me you are putting it in there.)
When I am exuding the PBIS expectations, LCMS staff members may give me one of these....
Hawk Tickets!
Accurately describe 3 ways to correctly leave my Chromebook at the end of each school day.
Answers will vary.
-In the computer cabinet
-Plugged into outlet to charge
-Nothing else in case
A straight line's angle measurement.
180 degrees
This is what happens if I forgot to bring all of my materials to class.
A dojo. You should always have your book in math class.
This is where I look to see what we are doing in class today! (Technically 2 answers)
-Weekly ladder on side board for week view.
-Front board for details of today.
Give an example of abiding by PBIS expectations (respectful, responsible, and safe) in the gym in the mornings.
Answers Vary
-Sitting in correct location
-Using personal belongings wisely
-Wearing a mask correctly (if applicable)
True or False: When the bell rings after 6th period, I can go to my locker and roam the halls until school is dismissed.
False! You must go to and stay in your classroom until you are dismissed for the day.
2x - 4 = 6x + 16