What type of text do you have to write for the first writing task: data reflection / data essay / data report?
Data report
What is the aim of the Introduction?
Paraphrase the task with synonyms
The recommened time for Writing Task 1 is 30 minutes
False, 20 minutes
We can use the personal pronouns as "I/you/we" in Writing Task 1
No, they are not accepted
What do "Coherence&Cohesion" stand for?
Coherence - a meaningful text.
Cohesion - the grammatical and lexical linking
What is the structure of the Writing task 1?
Body Paragraph 1
Body Paragraph 2
Body Paragraph 3 (optional)
Mention any 3 types of graphs
Line chart, bar chart, processs, pie chart.
You should write Body Paragraph 3
False, it's not obligatory
Give 2 different synonyms for the adverb "drammatically" (e.g. increased drammatically)
Rapidly, sharply, steeply
How many criteria are in Writing task 1? List them
Task Achievement, Coherence&Cohesion, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range&Accuracy
What is the first thing you need to write in your writing task 1?
An Introduction
What should be written in an overview?
The main trend.
The main features/changes in general words.
The pie chart depicts the proportion of renewable energy sources across five countries, highlighting data from 2019
This is an example of the Introduction
a third; a tenth; a twentieth
Which 2 things do you need to cover to achieve the highest score for Task Achievement criterion?
1) give a clear and concise overview of the visual information;
2) describe key features
How many minimum words does Writing task 1 require?
150 words
What are the 3 "Wh" in the structure of the Introduction?
What + Where + When
You cannot start your Overview with the construction "At the first glance"
False, it is possible
Due to the fact that we don't see the information sources from the diagrams
What types of cohesive devices have we mentioned?
What is the function of each type?
3 types: reference; substitution; linking words
Reference - avoid repetiton; replace words/phrases' parts with pronouns (they; them; one; it);
Substitution - avoid repetition; replace phrases' parts with the words "to do so", "so", "be so"
Linking words - connect one idea to the other one
What do you need to write about in the first task in general?
Describe and compare data from a graph.
What are the aims of the Body Paragraphs 1 and 2?
Are the numbers mandatory in them?
explain the features / changes from the overview: Body Paragraph 1: the 1st feature; Body Paragraph 2: the 2nd feature
Yes, they are
The purpose of the Writing task 1 is to explain data from a graph.
False, the task aims at reporting data
Give 4 constructions-examples of a Qualifying language (hedging)
Tend to, be likely(unlikely) to; seem to; appear to be
Give 1 example for any 4 types of the linking words
Answer may vary
summarizing: overall;
adding information: moreover;
illustrating a point: for example;
showing cause and effect: therefore