Summary writing (Exercise 4)
Letters (Exercise 5) -Understanding the Rubric
Letters (Exercise 5) - Writing to a "real person"
Formal / informal language (Exercises 5 & 6)
Writing a report
(Exercise 6)

Summarize this group of words:

Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury



Your email should be 150-200 words long. What happens if there are 250 words?

The examiner will stop reading at word 200


Is this a good way to end an informal email task?

“Now I have to go, don’t forget to write back!”



Is this an example of formal or informal language?

"Yours sincerely"



Is it a GOOD idea or a BAD idea to use PARAGRAPH HEADINGS when writing your report? (like "introduction, body, conclusion")

It's a GOOD idea --> this will help you to organize your report


What is the most COMMON mistake on the summary writing task?


(remember there will be a SPECIFIC prompt - like "summarize x aspect of the article" --> do NOT summarize the WHOLE ARTICLE)


"The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you should try to use some ideas of your own." Should you:

1. use the ideas in the pics 

2. use only your own ideas

3. use a combination

3. use a combination


What's wrong with this email opening? (Fix it!)

"Dear Mary, 

I'm writing to tell you about something that happened last week..."

There is no inquiry/asking about Mary / mention of their relationship


Is this formal or informal language?

Thank you for your email of March 18th.



What is the PURPOSE of a report?

To give feedback about an event (to the organizers)


Steps for summary writing: 

1. Read the instructions/question prompt

2. Skim the text and identify main points


4. Write your summary (put all ideas together)

What step is missing?

3. put the main points INTO YOUR OWN WORDS (paraphrase them!) 

*NOTE: this is part of the rubric --> using mostly your own words well


The email should be "effectively organised and sequenced". Do you need to use paragraphs or can it all be in one block of text?

YES! Use paragraphs!!


Is this a good closing? Why / why not?

"Goodbye from your friend"

No, it sounds unnatural or awkward. If you are friends with the person, he/she already knows this!


Mention three informal phrases that might be found in an informal email…

1.) Thanks for your last email

2.) Write back soon

3.) With love / yours



Who is the most common AUDIENCE of a report?

1. teacher


2. school principal


3. some other kind of event organizer)


Understand the summary rubric:
To get the highest score for content you should include NO _______________

You should include NO IRRELEVANT information (irrelevant to the prompt)


"Use both simple and complex sentences."

Is this an example of a complex sentence? 

"If you’re always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be."



Is this a good closing? Why / why not?

"That is all I wanted to tell you."

No - because this doesn't establish a relationship with the person. There should be some asking for a response - 'what do you think' or 'write back and tell me about...' or 'I can't wait to see you next week' etc.


Make this formal phrase into an informal phrase:

"Please give my kindest regards to…”  

"Please say 'hi' to..."


Think about the AUDIENCE of a report. How will this affect your content? (there are TWO POSSIBLE answers - either answer gets the points)

Audience is usually teacher or school principal. So:

1. you will use formal language

2. you will NOT need to spend more than 1-2 sentences summarizing what HAPPENED on the event (because they already know!)


Summarize this paragraph in 1 sentence:

Shopping malls have revolutionized United States shopping and living habits in just 45 years. Before 1950, there were no malls, but now almost every city or region has at least one. In fact, shopping malls have become a part of daily life. Many people even think of them as social centers. In a way, malls have taken the place of Main Street. Shops and services which were once spread over city blocks are now in one place at the mall.

Topic sentence: Shopping malls have revolutionized United States shopping and living habits in just 45 years.

Summarizing sentence: Shopping malls have [greatly] changed United States culture.


What is the definition of a complex sentence?

It has an INDEPENDENT clause and a DEPENDENT clause:

example: You cannot leave class until the lesson is over.

(Dependent means it cannot be alone: "until the lesson is over" is a dependent clause)


What's wrong with this answer:

"I'm really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! I'm writing to tell you about something that happened to me last week."

This is fake / unnatural because the writer will meet her friend the next day so there is no need to tell a story in an email! Just skip the email and share the story face-to-face!


Convert the following from formal to informal language:

1. I refer to your email of 13 April

2. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me

3. I hope that I have covered the main points

1. I wanted to write you back

2. Let me know if you need any more info

3. I think that's all


What are the TWO MOST IMPORTANT parts of a report? (hint: it's not the two speech bubbles, although these can be important)

a. POSITIVE FEEDBACK (usually something like "what you learned" or "how students benefited from the event")

b. NEGATIVE FEEDBACK (recommendations - what could be changed)

You SHOULD INCLUDE BOTH of these in your report
