Exercise 1&2
Exercise 3&4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6&7

These exercises are these types of questions.

What are Read and respond questions


For E3, you are asked to read and do this.

What is Complete a Form or Application


Exercise 5 is ALWAYS this type of exercise.

What is Summary question


These two exercises are these types of questions.

What is Writing questions

How long do you have to take the exam in total for Core and Extended?

What is...

Core = 1.5 hours

Extended = 2 hours


You should spend this amount of time on each of these two exercises.

What is no more than 10-12 minutes


For E4, you are asked to read and do this.

What is Take notes


What is the word limit for the Core AND Extended tests?

What is... 

Core = 70-80

Extended = 100-120


Exercise 6 & 7 differ in these ways (list two).

What is E6 is an narrative and informal; E7 can be argument, opinion, advice, etc. and formal


How many marks can you get on the Core and Extended exam total?

What is ...

Core = 70 marks

Extended = 90 marks


These are the major differences between Exercise 1 and Exercise 2 (list 2).

What is Exercise 1 is easier than E2, and all the answers go in sequential order and can be found directly in the text


The answers to these two exercises differ in this way.

What is E3 should be directly copied from the text; E4 should be paraphrased and shortened from the text


A summary is this.

What is A quick paragraph that details what you read about in an unbiased, objective way, usually without first person


This is prompt for which exercise:

Last week, you received a phone call and you had to leave your home in a hurry.

Write an email to a friend about what happened.

In your email you should:

  • explain what the phone call was about
  • say what happened after you left your home
  • describe how you felt when you returned.

What is Exercise 6


This is the reason we are taking the exam.

What is Because the we are measuring ourselves against everyone who goes through the IGCSE Curriculum

Read the excerpt and answer the following question: 

"Nowadays, everybody needs to be aware of the importance of protecting the environment. There are many original ways of recycling the things that other people throw away. Creative designers in South Africa are making new and interesting objects from rubbish, and helping local communities at the same time."

How are designers in South Africa helping the environment?

What is Recycling / making objects from rubbish


Read the excerpt and imagine you are Alexia when you fill out the questionnaire.

Alexia Nicolaou is 18, lives in Cyprus and has just returned from an organised visit with a group of boys and girls from her class. They all study at the Spyros English College, which is situated at 14 Loizou Askani Street, 3311 Limassol. The visit was part of a geography project to study the rock formations, rivers and waterfalls at Troodos, a mountain area about 60 kilometres from her home town. The group had arrived at the hostel on 29 September and stayed for five days.

Arrival date:__________

What is 29 September (with S capitalized)

Read the sample summary and determine if it is Core or Extended AND what the article they read was about:

Dolphins and people are alike in the way they love to communicate, and the way they live in families and cooperate to achieve shared goals. Dolphins have shown a protective instinct to humans by rescuing them from drowning and from sharks. They have also helped fishermen to catch fish. Sadly, people threaten dolphins through sea pollution, accidentally trapping them in fishing nets, and by bombarding them with noise. [68 words]

What is Core and an article about dolphins

The following prompt is an example for E7:

Some people say that you learn more out of school than you do at school. Here are some comments from your friends:

Write an article for your school magazine, giving your views.

The comments above may give you some ideas, and you should try to use some ideas of your own.

Create an outline for how you would write this essay!

What is...

I. Introduction (defining your opinion)

II. Idea supporting opinion (OREO)

III. Idea supporting opinion (OREO)

IV. Addressing of counterclaim (OREO)

V. Conclusion (further proving your views)

This is the time you need to be in the gym tomorrow morning.

What is 8:30 AM


Read the excerpt and answer the question:

"Another method is to use the noise from loud guns to scare away birds. The problem with this approach is that a member of the airport staff has to go out and check the guns that create the noise. In addition, birds can very soon get used to the regularity of the sound. Controlling birds such as hawks is even more difficult because they hover in the sky and cause problems for aircraft in the air. There have been incidents where these birds have been sucked into aircraft’s engines."

What disadvantages are there to using guns? Give two details.

What is...

staff check them / need checking 


birds used to guns / they get used to sound


Read the excerpt and prepare notes for your talk:

This race does not last for just a few hours, it goes on for days. The cars start in Darwin, in the far north of Australia, and the fastest usually cross the finish line about four days and 3000 kilometres later in Adelaide, on the south coast.

Facts about the race route: (list 2)

- start in Darwin / from Darwin / start in north Australia                     

- (about) 3 thousand km / takes (about) four days    

- finish in Adelaide / to Adelaide / finish south coast


Read the sample summary and give it a score out of 11 points (6 for content, 5 for language): 

Dolphins and people are alike in the way they love to communicate, and the way they live in families and cooperate to achieve shared goals. Dolphins have shown a protective instinct to humans by rescuing them from drowning and from sharks. They have also helped fishermen to catch fish. Sadly, people threaten dolphins through sea pollution, accidentally trapping them in fishing nets, and by bombarding them with noise. [68 words]

What is 4 for Content and 4 for Language... 8/11 overall


The amount of words your responses should be for these two exercises in the Core and Extended exams.

What is...

Core = 100 - 150

Extended = 150 - 200


Read the quote and determine the meaning:

"Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid," Albert Einstein.

Answers may vary/
