The capital of the US is located in this/these state(s)...
What is Virginia and Maryland?
Free points: one person from your group read your duaa and another person read the meaning.
Prophet Muhammad (saw) was this age when he became a prophet...
What is 40 years old?
Name five of the ten promised paradise...
Who are Abu Bakr, Omar ibn Al Khattab, Othman ibn Affan, Ali ibn Abi Talib, Az Zubair ibn Al Awwam, Abdul Rahman ibn Awf, Saad ibn Abi Waqqas, Saeed ibn Zaid, Talha ibn Ubaidallah, and Abu Obaidah ibn Al Jarrah?
The title of today’s lecture...
What is Strengthening your Duaa / Barriers to it’s Acceptance?
A metaphor is...
What is a figure of speech that compares 2 things without using “like” or “as”?
True/False: Wiping the face after making duaa is something the Prophet (saw) would do...
Prophet Muhammad (saw) born in this city...
What is Mecca?
Abu Bakr’s real (first) name...
Who is Abdullah?
The term for a baby goat...
What is kid?
The pythagorean theorem...
What is a^2+b^2=c^2?
You should always start your duaa by...
What is praising Allah (swt)?
Prophet Muhammad (saw) was born in this year (extra points for specific year)...
What is the Year of the Elephant / 570 CE?
This woman was the Prophet’s (saw) foster mother and cared for him after his mother’s passing (Hint: not Halima)...
Who is Barakah (Umm Ayman)?
One of these names came first: orange (color) or orange (fruit)...
What is orange (fruit)?
The name of every continent...
What is North America, South America, Australia, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, and Europe?
The best time to make duaa / when duaa is more likely to be accepted...
What is while it’s raining, during the last third of the night, before drinking zamzam water, etc.?
The name of the mountain where Prophet Muhammad (saw) received revelation (half points for cave name)...
What is Jabal al-Nour / Cave Hiraa?
The two neighbors of Prophet Muhammad (saw) in Jannah...
Who are Talha ibn Ubaidallah and Az Zubair ibn Al Awwam?
Name every Surah named after a prophet...
What is Ibrahim, Yunus, Yusuf, Muhammad, Nooh, and Hud?
Our five rights stated in the first amendment...
What is freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition?
The duaa that Yunus (as) made after he was swallowed by the whale...
What is La ilaha illa Anta, Subhanaka inni kuntu minathalimin / لَا إِلٰهَ إِلَّا أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ / 'There is no deity but You, Glory be to You, indeed I have been of the wrongdoers'?
Prophet Muhammad (saw) killed this many people in battle...
What is one?
The only Sahabi mentioned in the Quran...
Who is Zaid ibn Harithah?
If you have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia you are afraid of...
What is long words?