Where would you go if you want to see wild animals?
Jak se anglicky řekne "vedle" nebo "blízko"?
Near, close to
Name the second and the third form of the word "sunny"
sunnier, the sunniest
Přelož: metro, tramvaj, vlak
underground, tram, train
Where can you find a lot of different shops?
Shopping centre
Quickly name 3 things that are inside your bag
Přelož přídavné jméno a řekni ho 2. a 3 stupeň: široký
wide, wider, the widest
Přelož: chodit pěšky
go on foot
Open land area without woods or buildings, what's that?
This thing is in this classroom, it's big and it's in front of your desks
What is the best and the worst mark that you can get?
1 and 5
Say this phrase using only 3 words: you don't know where you are
I/you lost your way
A building with lots of offices in it
Office block
Přelož: park se nachází mezi náměstím a bazénem
The park is between the square and the swimming pool
Name all the forms of the words "good" and "bad"
good: better, the best
bad: worse, the worst
What can you ride? (4)
bicycle, motorbike, scooter, horse
A place where Muslim people go for prayer
Přelož: můžete zaparkovat za radnici
You can park behind the city hall
Translate the word "far" and name its comparative and superlative
daleký/vzdalený, further, the furthest
Add a missing word: I had to _________ a taxi, because I was late to work