Literary Devices
Plot Details
Word Meanings

Why does Momma clarify that Uncle Willie ”wasn’t born that way”? 

She wants to make sure people know his disability was an accident to protect him from additional prejudice.


What does the judge’s ”gaffe” reveal about racism in Stamps?

It shows that white people did not respect Black individuals enough to learn their correct titles, reinforcing the racial divide. 


How is irony used in the sheriff’s visit?

The sheriff warns them about danger, but he is does not enforce the law when it comes to the actions of the Klan.


Why does Maya fall out of her seat in church?

She is laughing too hard at Sister Monroe hitting the pastor with her purse. 


What is a “gaffe”?

A social or verbal mistake that is often embarrassing or offensive. 


Why is it important to Uncle Willie that a couple takes a picture of him?

He wants to be seen as a full and respectable person, not just someone with a disability.


What does Momma’s reaction to the judge’s mistake show?

She does not act emotionally, showing her strength and understanding of racial dynamics in the South.


What literary device is used when Maya laughs so hard that she falls in church?

Situational Irony— the church is a serious setting but the moment is unexpectedly humorous. 


What does Momma do to keep the store running during the Great Depression?

She establishes a trade and bartering system for government aid-supplied food.


What is an example of a gaffe?

When someone accidentally mispronounces someone’s name or uses the wrong title.

How does Momma show care for her customers?

She remembers their usual orders and anticipates their needs.


What does the sheriff’s warning reveal about power in Stamps?

It shows that white people held all the power. Even when they “warned” Black individuals, it was all to maintain their control. 


What is the effect of the sheriff’s hypocritical behavior? 

It highlights how racism is deeply ingrained in the legal system. 


Why does Reverend Thomas select a sermon about those who “prayed in the street so that the public would be impressed with their devotion?

It is a gentle chastisement of Sister Monroe’s over-enthusiasm for the previous week’s sermon.

What is hypocrisy?

Saying one thing but doing another.


How does uncle Willie's pride affect him? 

He wants to be seen as strong and capable, which sometimes makes him overcompensate in how he acts.


What is the biggest symbol in chapters 1-8? Explain why.

Momma’s Store— It represents Black self-sufficiency and survival during segregation. 


How is juxtaposition used in the sheriff’s warning? He is referred to as a “gentle squire.”

The sheriff acts as a “gentle squire” but is actually complicit in racial violence. 


How does the Great Depression affect the Black community in Stamps?Why does Momma’s store survive?

Many people struggle financially, but Momma’s store survives because she is smart about finances. 


What is situational irony?

The difference between what is expected to happen versus what actually ends up happening.


What does Maya learn from Momma’s way of handling racism?

She learns that dignity and patience are powerful responses to racism, even though it can be painful. 


The poem, The Creation, shows resilience in the power of creation. How does this connect to the themes in the novel? 

In the same way that creation is resilient, Maya’s ability to endure hardships is also resilient. 


Explain how situational irony is present in the sheriff’s visit. 

The sheriff thinks he is doing a favor by warning them, but he’s actually just enforcing the racist status quo. 

Why does the church scene matter in the overall narrative?

It adds humor to the novel while showing how Maya observes and processes the world around her. 


Why was the judge’s gaffe so significant?

It shows that even judicial positions of power and moral standing didn’t respect Black women enough to address them correctly. 
