What is theme?

A. The problem in the story

B. Time, place, and duration in a story

C. The development of the central conflict and


D. The central message or idea about life

D. The central message or idea about life

It is a moral, message, or lesson about the story. This is something you have learned. 


When the suffix 'able' is added to the word cap, it means-

  A.  able to do something 

 B.  incapable 

 C.  not able to do something  

D.  All of the above

A. able to do something


Choose the pronoun that agrees with the antecedent in the following sentence.

He forgot ________ homework and will have detention at lunch.

  A.  his  B.  my  C.  its  D.  their 



How do you find an inferences?

Reading Voice + Thinking Voice = Inference 

Using a silhouette head


What type(s) of figurative language is(are) being used in the sentence below?

Jimmy and Johnny jumped like jelly beans.

  A.  Metaphor  B.  Idiom  C.  Personification  D.  Alliteration 

C. Personification


How do you determine theme? 

1. Determine the plot of the story (Character vs life, Character vs self, Character vs character) 

2. The Plot determines the lesson (narrows it down) 

3. Find the Fast facts using character change 

4. Determine the theme based on character change


Choose the correct root word for 'Amphibian' from the answers below.

  A.  Am  B.  Amphibian  C.  Amphi  D.  Bian

C. Amphi


Which of the following is a true statement?

  A.  A suffix or ending is an affix, which is placed at the end of a word.  

B.  A prefix or beginning is an affix, which is placed at the beginning of a word.  

C.  A suffix is attached at the beginning of the word. 

D.  Both A and B 

D. Both A and B


What is a text feature? 

These are common parts of nonfiction texts and are often used to design and organize pages. They help readers navigate the information and make predictions about what will be read. 

Header, Subheader, Graphic, Caption, etc


What type of figurative language is being used in the sentence below?

Don’t spill the beans.

  A.  Idiom  B.  Onomatopoeia  C.  Personification  D.  Alliteration 

A. Idiom


Read the poem below, and determine the theme.


As the sun went down in Terrance town

Derek placed his chin on the cold cement

To rest his eyes on the corner two blocks down

And the boys as tall as lamp posts

Chasing a basketball, dribbling

His heart jumped a leap

Once, even hit the basket

His eyes knew the moves

They jumped on every alley oop

And knees jerked and bent on each pass

kicking the crutches to the floor

Derek won a home game in his heart

What line from the poem helps you understand the theme the most?

D. Derek won a home game in his heart


A rock will plummet to the bottom of a pot filled with water. 

What does plummet mean? 

A. a puff of smoke 

B. To fall 

C. a place to boil water. 

B - to fall

Correct the run-on sentences by adding conjunctions and punctuation. 

1. We wanted to go to the store we decided to stay home. _______________________________________________________ 

2. All the parents came to our school play they all liked it. _______________________________________________________ 

3. I like to eat chocolate ice cream it is sweet and cool on a hot summer day. __________________________________________

1. We wanted to go to the store, but we decided to stay home. 

2. All the parents came to our school play, and they all liked it. 

3. I like to eat chocolate ice cream, as it is sweet and cool on a hot summer day. 


How do you find a central idea?

Find the repeating words of a paragraph.  


What type of figurative language is being used in the sentence below?

That sandwich is as big as a car.

  A.  Personification  B.  Simile  C.  Metaphor  D.  Alliteration 

B. Simile


Read the passage below, and determine the main idea of the text.

Teeth can tell you what kinds of food a mammal eats. Plant eaters

(herbivores) like deer have large, flat molars for grinding plants.

Animals that eat both plants and meat (omnivores) have strong

canines and molars for tearing and grinding foods. Animals that are

meat eaters (carnivores) have canine teeth for cutting and tearing.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Animals have different kinds of teeth.

B. Animals that are meat eaters have canine teeth for cutting and tearing,

but plant eaters have flat molars for grinding plants.

C. An animal's teeth can tell you what kinds of food the animal eats.

D. Animals that eat both plants and meat have strong canines and molars

for tearing and grinding foods.

C. An animal's teeth can tell you what kinds of food the animal eats.


What is the antonym of Zeal? 

1.  determination.

2. fervor.

3. dullness

4. Eager



Use: There/Their/They're to fill in the blanks. 

1. Please place _____________ leftover food in the refrigerator. 

2. I would like to walk past _____________ soon and gaze at the scenery. 

3. _____________ not home right now so we’ll leave a note in the mailbox.

1. Their 

2. there

3. They're


What are the steps of a "C" in a RACE paragraph?

1. Sentence Starter 

2. Quotations 

3.  Cite text evidence paraphrased and in your own words 


What is the MOOD of this poem?

How do you like to go up in a swing, 

Up in the air so blue? 

Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing 

Ever a child can do! 

Up in the air and over the wall, 

Till I can see so wide, 

River and trees and cattle and all 

Over the Country Side -- 

Till I look down on the garden green, 

Down on the roof so brown 

Up in the air I go flying again, 

Up in the air and down! 

Cheerful and Playful 


What is the Central Idea of this paragraph? Use one piece of evidence from the text to support your answer. 

Rose O’Neal Greenhow was a prominent widow in Washington society. She was friendly with Northern politicians and military leaders. But she strongly believed that the South had a constitutional right to secede from the Union. She vowed to help the Confederacy achieve that goal. She collected information about the Union army in social situations. She passed along what she learned to Confederate leaders through a network of spies on the Secret Line. Greenhow played a key role in July 1861, before the First Battle of Bull Run (also known as Manassas). She persuaded a Union officer to tell her the strength of the Union troops preparing for that battle. She sent the information to Confederate officers. As a result, even though the South was outnumbered, it won a decisive victory. Union secret detective Allan Pinkerton grew suspicious of Greenhow and eventually arrested her. She was ordered to leave the North. In 1864, Greenhow drowned as she was returning from a mission to England. She was trying to escape a Union gunboat when the rowboat she was in overturned. She was buried with full military honors.

Everyone on your team must have written a RACE paragraph. 


What does 









four, water, hand, heart, light, earth, earth


A student is writing an article about baboon troops for a student science magazine. Read the paragraphs from the draft of the article and complete the task that follows.
For each underlined pair of words, click on the word that is the most precise.

Baboons are a large type of monkey. They stay/reside in groups called "troops" which are composed of dozens of baboons. Troops usually sleep, travel, feed, and socialize together.

Baboons spend their days cleaning one another and hunting for food. In the morning, adult baboons sit in small groups picking and eating/nibbling bits of dirt, leaves, dry skin, and salt off one another's hair and skin while the young baboons play.

 Then, the troop moves together catching lizards, butterflies and grasshoppers to eat. In the hottest part of the day, the baboons choose a cool place to linger and rest before continuing their search for food. The baboons groom/fix one another again before retiring in the evening.

reside, nibbling, and groom


Correct this RACE Paragraph: 

PROMPT: What are the qualities of a good leader? 

Many people are considered great because they are good leaders. The definition of an effective leader may be subjective but there are two specific qualities that all great leaders have in common. The first trait that an awesome leader has in common is kindness. According to an article in Forbes Magazine, people who act out in arrogance are actually showing insecurity and not their ability's to lead. Leadership is both an art and a science.

Correct the R/A 

Add quotations to C

Fix E 


Give me an example of: 

1. Simile, 

2. Personification, 

4. Onomatopoeia 

5. Metaphor

answers will vary
