The type of color format for a file, which includes RGB or CMYK
Color Mode
Organizing the visual weight in a design for equal distribution through strategic spacing
Refers to Creative commons
A type of license which gives others permission to share, use, or add to a created work
What is the Budget of a project
Estimated project cost / how much money and resources a project is given
White Balance
The color balance of a picture
The act of trimming the edges of a picture to remove what is not needed
The process of taking an image and applying a filter to make it look as realistic as possible
A Creative Commons license that refers to attribution use, meaning an artist will need to credit the original author for the work they are using
What causes Scope Creep
Unregulated changes to the scope
The area captured in a picture
Field of View / FOV
The process of reducing the number of colors of an image
Contains in-focus elements that appear closest to the viewer
A Creative Commons license that refers to non-commercial use, meaning an artist can use the work as long as they do not charge for work
What is the Project Scope
The ¨What¨ and ¨How¨ of a project
Location Release
A signed document for a location that allows an artist to use the footage of the specified location in a project
The proportion of an images width and height
Aspect Ratio
The principle of focus on cognitive behaviors in a design, referring to the theory that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
A Creative Commons license that refers to NoDerivs use, meaning the work can be used but cannot be altered
True or False, only people can be stakeholders
False, a stakeholder can be an entity such as a corporation or association
The distance between the nearest and furthest objects that are in focus in a picture
Depth of Field
A view mode that enables the user to see how shapes were actually built
Outline Mode
The area around the document
A Creative Commons license that refers to ShareAlike use, meaning that when the work is used, it must retain the same licensing that applied to the original work, when shared
What is the project life cycle in order ? (5 steps)
Planning/Analysis, Designing, Building, Testing, Implementing/Publishing
A signed document allowing an artist to use someones likeness or image in a project
Model Release