What does Sabr mean?
Patience or Endurance
Definition: bearing provocation, annoyance, misfortune, delay, hardship, pain, etc., with fortitude and calm and without complaint, anger, or the like.
Where did the first revelation occur?
Mount Hira
Which 2 people died during the Year of Sorrow?
1. Death of Abu Talib
2. Death of Khadijah
Whose caravan did the Muslims attack in the Battle of Badr?
The caravan of Abu Sufyan
Who gave the idea to dig the trench?
Salman Al-Farsi
What does Rahma mean?
Mercy or Compassion
Jibreel (as) did what and commanded what to the Prophet (SAW)?
He squeezed him tightly and said "Iqra" (read)
What is The Night Journey and the Ascension to Heaven in Arabic and what does each part mean?
Al-Isra (The Night Journey)
Al-Miraj (The Ascension to Heaven)
When did the Battle of Uhud happen? Why is this battle called the Battle of Uhud?
3 AH / 625 CE
They fought on Mount Uhud
The Quraysh and the other tribes that allied together to attack Medina are called what?
The Confederates
What does Generosity mean? And what are the 4 types we learned about?
The act of giving willingly and selflessly to others, without expecting anything in return.
1. Financial Generosity
2. Generosity with Time and Effort
3. Generosity with Knowledge
4. Generosity with Kindness and Compassion
How many years did the Prophet (SAW) preach in private?
3 years
What is the creature that took Prophet (SAW) on this journey?
Why did the Muslims lose the Battle of Uhud? Who is the famous person that attacked the army's flank?
The archers left their position.
Khalid ibn al-Walid
How did they attack Medina?
The Confederates laid siege
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is known was what in relation to mercy?
He (SAW) is known as a "mercy to the worlds" (Rahmatan lil-Alamin)
What location did he start preaching publically from and what did he say?
Mount Safa
He (SAW) said if there was an army behind me would you believe me? They said yes. And then He (SAW) told them about Islam and they did not believe.
What is the migration from Mecca to Medina called? And what do we get from this
Hijra, Islamic Calendar
Which of the Prophets (SAW) relative died in the Battle of Uhud and who killed him?
Hamza (ra)
Wahshi killed Hamza (ra)
Which tribe betrayed the Muslims?
Banu Qurayza
What Hadith did we learn related to Mercy?
"The merciful are shown mercy by The Merciful. Be merciful on the earth, and you will be shown mercy from above."
619 CE is also know as?
The Year of Sorrow / Am al-Huzn
When did the Battle of Badr happen? Why is this battle called the Battle of Badr?
2 AH / 624 CE
Because the battle was fought near the wells of Badr
The Battle of the Trench is also know as? When was it fought?
Also known as the Battle of Khandaq
5 AH / 627 CE
What is the meaning of the first 6 ayahs of Surah Fatiha?
1) In the Name of Allah - the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.
2) All praise is for Allah - Lord of all worlds,
3) the most Compassionate, Most Merciful,
4) Master of the Day of Judgment.
5) You [alone] we worship and You [alone] we ask for help.
6) Guide us along the Straight Path,