These animals made houses out of straw, sticks, and bricks.
Who are the 3 little pigs?
This is the reason the 3 goats were crossing the bridge.
What is green grass?
Who is the evil stepmother?
The character that won the race in The Tortoise and the Hare.
Who is the tortoise?
You can be interesting while telling a story by changing your _____.
What is voice?
These characters had hot, medium, and cold porridge.
Who are the 3 bears?
This is the villain in the story.
Who is the troll?
This character lived in a gingerbread house.
Who is the witch?
The character who helped the lion in The Lion and the Mouse.
Who is the mouse?
It is helpful to move these while you are telling a story to motion to the audience.
What are your hands?
The villain of the 3 pigs story.
Who was the Big Bad Wolf?
This is where the troll lived.
What is the bridge?
This is how Hansel found his way home on the first night.
What are white pebbles?
This is what fables try to teach.
What is a moral lesson?
When telling a story, where should you look?
Look at the audience.
The girl's name who destroyed the 3 bears furniture.
Who is Goldilocks?
The brother that got rid of the troll.
Who was the Big Billy Goat Gruff?
What are breadcrumbs?
This is what most fables have as main characters.
What are animals?
A person who tells a story is called...
What is a storyteller?