What is the name of the mother of Imam Ali (AS)
What is the meaning of Asadullah
Lion of God
Companion of Imam Ali (as) who he named a duah after him.
Famous saying of Prophet Mohammad at Ghadeer
Man Kunto Mowla fa Haza Ali un Mowla (whoever I am the master of, Ali is the master)
Which warrior did Ali (A.S.) kill in the Battle of Khayber?
What Tribe was Imam Ali (AS) in
Bani Hashem
What Name did Imam Ali (as)'s mother give him
Companion who was hung and his tounge was cut out of love for Imam Ali (as)
Meesam at thammar
Famous saying of Prophet Mohammad (SAS) about Imam Ali that involves prophet Musa and Prophet Haroon
Ali is to me as Haroon was to musa
Who did Imam Ali (A.S.) fight against in the battle of Siffin
What is Imam Ali (AS) grandfather's name
Abdul Mutalib (AS)
What is the meaning of ameerul momineen
Master of the Believers
Companion of Imam Ali (as) known to be on the 10th level of knoweldege
Salman al Farsi
Complete the saying "I am the city of Knowledge..."
"... and Ali is the gate"
In what Battle was the Zulfiqar Revealed to Imam Ali (as)
Battle of Uhad
Which brother of Imam Ali (AS) Migrated to Africa
Jaffar at Tayyar (AS)
What is the meaning of Abu Turaab
Father of the dust/earth
Companion of Imam Ali (as) who the Prophet (sas) said his killers will be the wrongdoers.
Ammar ibn Yassir
Fill in the blank: "Mentioning Ali (A.S) is a form of ____, and looking upon him is a form of _____"
hint: both blanks are the same word.
Who did Imam Ali (A.S.) fight against in the battle of Nahrwan
Who were the three brothers of Imam Ali (as)
Hazrat Talib, Hazrat Jafar, Hazrat Aqeel
What is the meaning of mushkil Kusha
Solver of difficulties
Companion of Imam Ali (as) known to be the most truthful
Abu Dhar al Ghafari
Translate, "La fatah illah Ali, La Saifullah Zulfiqar"
There is no man like Ali and there is no sword like Zulfiqar
Which enemy warrior did Ali (A.S.) kill in the Battle of the Trench?
Amru bin Abd Wud