What is the name of Imam e Zamana (a.s)?
Mohammad (same as the name of the Holy Prophet (s.a)
How many Ghaibats does Imam e Zamana (a.s) have?
Ghaibat e Sugra (minor occultation) & Ghaibat e Kubra (major occultation)
Hidden birth of Imam e Zamana (a.s) is similar to which prophets?
Hazrat Musa (a.s), Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s)
What is the Kuniyyat of Imam e Zamana (a.s)
Abul Qasim (same as the Kuniyyat of the Holy Prophet (s.a)
When did Ghaibat e Sugra start and end?
Started in 260 A.H and ended in 329 AH. Period of 69 years.
Give 3 of our responsibilities during ghaibat?
Praying for early reappearance. Loving Imam. Acquiring Maarefat of Imam. Awaiting for reappearance. Giving Sadqa for Safety of Imam.
When was Imam e Zamana (a.s) born?
On Friday, 15th Shabaan 255 A.H
When did Ghaibat e Kubra Start and end?
Ghaibat e Kubra started in 329 A.H and is still going on.
Long life of Imam e Zamana (a.s) is similar to which prophets age?
Hazrat Nuh (a.s) lived for 2500 years, Hazrat Isa (a.s) still alive, Hazrat Khizr (a.s) still alive, Hazrat Ilyaas (a.s) still alive.
Where was Imam e Zamana (a.s) born?
In the City of Samarrah which is in Iraq.
When will Imam e Zamana (a.s) reappear?
When Allah wills.
Which Dua for Imam e Zamana (a.s) is to be recited every Friday morning?
Dua e Nudba
Who are the parents of Imam e Zamana (a.s)?
Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) (11th Imam)
Bibi Narjis Khatoon (s.a) (who was a Roman princess).
From Where will Imam e Zamana (a.s) reappear?
Imam e Zamana (a.s) will reappear from Holy Kabaa in Mecca.
Which Dua for Imam e Zamana (a.s) is to be recited in the month of Ramadhan?
Dua e Iftetaah