Lub Dub
But Doc It Hurts
Globulo Roja
Use your Eye Balls
Yer a Wizard Harry

Statistically, what is the most likely cause of heart failure?

Coronary Artery Disease/Ischemia


What is the Morphine Milligram Equivalents "MME" conversion rate for PO morphine to PO Hydrocodone and PO Morphine to IV Hydromorphone

PO morphine to PO Hydrocodone: 1:1 (10mg to 10mg)

PO Morphine to IV Dilaudid: 15mg PO morphine to 1mg IV Hydromorphone


What is the genetic mutation associated with hereditary hemochromatosis?



44-year-old man is diagnosed with COPD 

Alpha1-Antitrypsin Deficiency


What was the original title of the first Harry Potter book?

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


What is the imaging modality of choice for the evaluation of cardiac amyloidosis.

Bonus: What is the finding suggestive of cardiac amyloidosis?

Bonus 2: What additional confirmatory imaging test could you utilize if the above modality is inconsistent with your presumed diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis?

Cardiac MRI

Bonus 1: late gadolinium enhancement

Bonus 2: If a monoclonal disorder is not identified, 99m-technetium pyrophosphate scintigraphy of the heart may be diagnostic of ATTR amyloidosis 


What are the signs/symptoms of an opioid overdose (list at least 3), what do you use to treat, and what is the dose?

Bonus: How much does the OTC medication cost at the CDM

Somnolence, decreased respiratory rate/hypoxia/hypercarbia, miotic pupils, hypotension, hypothermia

Naloxone/Narcan: IV/IM/SQ: 0.04 to 2 mg; may repeat with escalating doses every 2 to 3 minutes, as needed 

Bonus $60


What are these things inside of the RBC?

Bonus: What are they made of?

Bonus 2: what condition are these associated with 

Howell-Jolly Bodies

Bonus: These are fragments of RBC nucleus that are not removed in maturation.  

Bonus 2: B12 deficiency or any form of asplenia


70-year-old man is evaluated for progressive dyspnea.


Barrell chest, flattened diaphragm, hyperinflation, increased lucency, and decreased vascularity throughout both lung fields. 


What is the name of the Magical Map of Hogwarts?

The Marauder's Map


This diastolic murmur is associated with rhythmic changes in the color of the nail bed.

Bonus: give me the eponymic name of this exam finding

Aortic Regurgitation

Bonus: Quincke's Pulse


What is the most efficacious treatment for trigeminal neuralgia?



What are the results for laboratory evaluation of anemia of chronic inflammation/disease (Hb, MCV, serum iron, Ferritin, TIBC)

Bonus: what could you see on bone marrow aspiration?

low HB, low MCV, low TIBC, high ferritin

Bonus: stainable iron


37 yo F with recurrent paresthesia's in her bilateral hands and found to have a pulse pressure discrepancy.

Takaysu Arteritis

high-dose oral glucocorticoids (1 mg/kg/d, up to 80 mg/d) with a slow taper.

Guidelines conditionally recommend adjunctive treatment with nonbiologic immunosuppressive medications (e.g., methotrexate, leflunomide, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, and cyclophosphamide) to mitigate glucocorticoid exposure. 

If refractory. TNF inhibitor


Where was Harry Potter Born?

Godric's Hollow


What area of the heart is scarred during an ablation for atrial fibrillation?

The pulmonary veins as they enter the left atrium.


Above what Morphine Milligram Equivalents "MME" per day is there a significantly increased risk for overdose

>90 MME/Day


What kind of anemia can you see in parasitic tapeworm infections?

Bonus: what is the scientific name for the tape worm associated with this condition. 

Macrocytic anemia 2/2 B12 deficiency

Bonus: diphylobothrium latum


56-year-old man is evaluated for hemoptysis. He has a past history of previously treated cavitary tuberculosis.



How many horcruxes did Voldemort create intentionally?

Bonus: name all of the horcruxes


Bonus: Tom Riddle's Diary, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Salazar Slytherin's Locket, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup, Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem, and Nagini the snake, Harry Potter


What trial originally compared medical management vs PCI for treatment of stable angina, and what where the outcomes.  


Medical MGMT = PCI (PCI was not superior to medical therapy with respect to the rate of death or nonfatal myocardial infarction at 4.6 years follow-up.)


What is the therapeutic dose ceiling of IV Toradol, and quickly discuss the trial associated with this topic's implications?

10mg (10mg=15mg=30mg)

Effective pain control with less side effects. 


28 yo M with past history of full Sickle Cell disease. Presents with chest pain, fever, shortness of breath for 2 days. CXR with RLL focal consolidation.  2/6 systolic ejection murmur without extra cardiac sounds and bilateral crackles in the lower lung. VS: 102.1, pulse 135, 95/62, 85% on 3L NC, RR 26/min. Hemoglobin 7.6, 

What is the diagnosis and how do you manage it?

Bonus: what is the post-transfusion target HbS and what is the target serum hemoglobin. 

oxygen, incentive spirometry, analgesics, empiric antibiotics, IV fluids, erythrocyte exchange transfusions

classically this is treated by RBC transfusion in mild settings. 

Bonus:  HbS less than 30% and target hemoglobin level is 10 g/dL (100 g/L).  


 7-month history of a pruritic rash on the flexural surfaces of her wrists, arms, and legs. The patient was recently diagnosed with hepatitis C virus infection.

Lichen Planus: pruritic, purple, polygonal papule. usually distributed symmetrically on the wrists, flexural aspects of the arms and legs, lower back, and genitals. A reticulated network of white lines (Wickham striae) may be visible on the surface of the papules.


In the movie, what is the password to Dumbledore's office. 

Bonus: what is it in the book

Sherbet Lemon

Bonus: Lemon drop
