Standing six feet apart is otherwise known as...
social distancing
What were Peter and Andrew doing before they decided to follow Jesus?
What state is the world's most active volcano located?
In the nursery rhyme, "The Farmer in the Dell", what stands alone?
the cheese
Jake uses this word more than every other word in his sermons... *eyes looking emoji*
Which movie kicked off the Skywalker saga in 1977?
A New Hope
Mary poured this out onto Jesus at the dinner party...
What is the rarest blood type?
On the color wheel, which color is the opposite of orange?
Jake's top 2 interests... besides Jesus.
Country music and NASCAR
What is the most watched Youtube video of all time?
Baby Shark
Where are the 10 commandments found in the Bible? (What book of the Bible)
What is the tallest type of grass?
In the subject of Language Arts, this word us used to describe words like: Boom! Pop! Bam!
Jake's go-to rule for dating
Don't date until after high school
Which singer holds the record for the most grammy nominations?
How many brothers did Joseph have?
How many bones do sharks have?
Who famously said, "The British are coming! The British are coming!"
Paul Revere
Jake's most commonly referenced Bible story (Hint: 3 names)
shadrach meshach and abednego
Which pop star was Judge Judy's neighbor?
Justin Bieber
Saul fell on this when he died.
his sword
Dolly was the first-ever living creature to be cloned. What type of animal was she?
a sheep
What is the most commonly used adjective in the English language?
The 2 C's Jake says to look for in someone you're thinking of dating...
Character and Chemistry