Angel Island and Ellis Island
Who was the US fighting against in the Spanish American war?
The Spanish
What continent was most of the fighting happening for WW1
What is Suffrage?
The right to Vote
Because it was a time of success in America and a prosperous time.
Who were Muckrakers?
Was the 1862 Homestead Act a “Push” Factor or a “Pull” Factor?
Journalist who exposed corruption
Push factor
Before the United States could build a canal in Panama, it needed the consent of the _______ government.
What happened to start the war, who was responsible for it?
Black Hand Gavrilo Princip
The ______ Amendment states: The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
Ford hired _______ management experts to improve his mass-production techniques.
_______ are small, hot, dark, and dirty workhouses. Immigrants would work in these 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. What were the buildings called Immigrants lived in?
Sweatshops, Tenements
The name of the warship that exploded in a Harbor in 1898 by Cuba was.... What was the name of the Harbor?
USS Maine
1917 – Congress passes the Espionage Act. Illegal to “utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal or abusive language…” criticizing the: Government, Flag, Military
True or False
The major organizations pushing for the passage of temperance was....
This is what the stock market is referred to when the price of stocks are going up.
The stock market going down called?
A Bear Market
What led to the downfall of the Knights of Labor?
The Knights of Labor would only allow Skilled workers in the Union. True or False?
The Knights got the blame from the Haymarket Riot and was seen as being too radical
The Platt Amendment
The Teller Amendment
Made Cuba a protectorate of the U.S.
Teller stated we would allow Cuba to be independent after the Spanish were defeated
What countries made up the Triple Alliance? What countries made up the Triple Entente?
Italy, Germany, Austria-Hungary
Britain, France, Russia
Where was the first female convention held in the United States? What was created there?
Seneca Falls, Declaration of Sentiments
This scandal involved the Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall.
Teapot Dome scandal
Two major strikes we talked about were called _________ Strike was part of an epidemic of strikes that took place as economic depression spread across America. Who owned the steel mill where one of these strikes took place?
Homestead strike - Carnegie
Pullman Strike
What is the name of the Filipino nationalist leader who thought the United States was an ally in the Filipino struggle for independence?
Emilio Agunialdo
Who was in charge of the CPI?
Who was in Charge of the WIB?
What does each of those stand for?
Barnard Baruch
What Amendment Prohibited Alcohol?
What Amendment gave women the right to vote?
When was that amendment passed?
The _____________-_______________ Tariff raised prices so high on foreign imports that they could not compete in the American market.